书籍 The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents的封面

The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents

Terry Pratchett









Winner of the 2001 Carnegie Medal "One rat, popping up here and there, squeaking loudly, and taking a bath in the cream, could be a plague all by himself. After a few days of this, it was amazing how glad people were to see the kid with his magical rat pipe. And they were amazing when the rats followed hint out of town.They'd have been really amazed if they'd ever found out that the rats and the piper met up with a cat somewhere outside of town and solemnly counted out the money."The Amazing Maurice runs the perfect Pied Piper scam. This streetwise alley cat knows the value of cold, hard cash and can talk his way into and out of anything. But when Maurice and his cohorts decide to con the town of Bad Blinitz, it will take more than fast talking to survive the danger that awaits. For this is a town where food is scarce and rats are hated, where cellars are lined with deadly traps, and where a terrifying evil lurks beneath the hunger-stricken streets....Set in Terry Pratchett's widely popular Discworld, this masterfully crafted, gripping read is both compelling and funny. When one of the world's most acclaimed fantasy writers turns a classic fairy tale on its head, no one will ever look at the Pied Piper -- or rats -- the same way again

--"well, I'll tell you something," she said. "if you don't turn your life into a story, you just become a part of someone else's story." --"what if your story doesn't work?" --"you keep changing it until you find one that does." T__T,又宅又燃。给人生讲一个好故事大概是老头子认为最重要的事情。
还行,挺好玩的,也有些深度。中文版封面有个圆形标签:9~16岁。 中文译名不好,不如直译为“神奇猫和聪明鼠”,或按作者那种装一般正经的调调:“奇葩猫和知识分子老鼠”。魔笛手在本书里是配角的配角。///20210414补记,发现台版翻译为《猫鼠奇谭》,也挺好。