书籍 The Zahir的封面

The Zahir

Paulo Coelho









Set in Paris and in the enchanting landscape of central Asia, this new novel by the author of the international bestsellers The Alchemist and Eleven Minutes follows the journey of a man obsessed with finding the wife who left him without an explanation.</p>

The narrator of The Zahir is a bestselling novelist who lives in Paris and enjoys all the privileges that money and celebrity bring. His wife of ten years, Esther, is a war correspondent who, despite her professional success and freedom from the conventional constraints of marriage, is facing an existential crisis. When she disappears along with a friend, Mikhail, who may or may not be her lover, the authorities question the narrator. Was Esther kidnapped, killed, or did she simply abandon a marriage that left her unfulfilled? The narrator doesn't have any answers but he has plenty of questions of his own.</p>

Then one day Mikhail, the man with whom Esther was last seen, finds the narrator and promises to take him to his wife. In his attempt to recapture a love lost, the narrator discovers something unexpected about himself.</p>

A haunting and redemptive story about the dark side of obsession, The Zahir explores its potential to both fulfill our dreams and to destroy them. It is also a thoughtful meditation on faith, celebrity, marriage -- and their relationships to freedom and creativity.</p>

保罗·科埃略一九四七年出生于里约热内卢市一个中产阶级家庭,少年时期便立志成为像若热·亚马多一样成功的职业作家。在从事文学创作之前,曾担任过编剧、剧场导演和记者,为巴西最著名的摇滚乐歌星创作过《减生于一万年之前》 等六十余首歌词。后沉迷于研究炼金术,魔法、吸血鬼等神秘事物,作为媒皮士 周游世界,与一些秘密团体和东方宗教社会有过接触。一九八二年自行出版了《地狱档案》一书,但未曾引起任何反响。一九八五年又出版《吸血鬼研究实践手册》一书,但后又收回,理由是他本人认为该书“质量低劣”。一九七七年,在周游世界时他参加了一个名叫拉姆的天主教组织,一九八六年,按该组织的要求, 保罗·科埃略沿中世纪三条朝圣路线之一,历时三个月,徒步行走近六百公里的 路程,从法国南部穿越比利牛斯山脉,抵达西班牙加利西亚地区孔波斯泰尔的圣地亚哥朝圣。他以这次朝圣之旅为素材,于翌年出版《朝...


During IB
Zahir,按书里的大概意思是受困于某事或某人的疯狂渴望中,难以自拔,是一个阿拉伯词语。整本书以悬疑作为开头,在整个的追寻过程中以简洁但却深刻的语句揭示了一段关系中的爱与被爱,如何去发现自己内心对于爱的真实模样,以及如何以对方能接受的方式去爱别人。整本书的语言很简练,用一些很简单的对话和段落将到一些哲学以及神学的观点,不仅在述说爱与被爱的关系,也更是在层层剖析精神层面的自我成长。 我读的是原版,读完这后看了下好像中国没有正式翻译这本书,不知道是没有拿到版权还是正在翻译当中。就我自己而言很喜欢保罗•柯艾略,那些藏在简单语句中的深思会让人反思良久。着实推荐,原版并不难读。
I experienced the things I never imagined I would experienced at my age.
All love stories are the same.
又是一本讲双生🔥的书 喜欢一开始的那首诗
This book is about obsession in love. And wait for the right moment to act in love.
生活在旅途 反思亦是原力