The bestselling introduction to "flow"--a groundbreaking psychological theory that shows readers how to improve the quality of life. "The way to happiness lies not in mindless hedonism, but in mindful change."--New York Times Book Review
a. Visual senses.
- Enough psychic energy to enjoy beauty and art.
b. Enjoy solitude.
> Increase skills, reading, writing, sports, and painting.
> Start the habit of being alone as early as possible, preferably from an early age.
c. Set goals & Continuously improve.
d. Reasonably challenging.
e. Concentrate.
f. Receive feedback at each step.
感觉写的太散了;Every chapter is overfilled with examples;The book focuses on ways that we can encourage flow in our lives;必备条件是:complexity, but not too complex,an achievable goal and feedbacks;but also talks about the perils of over-reliance on a particular flow 比如忽略外界的机会,所以感觉有点像正念冥想,一边专注自己的内心,一边觉察外界的变化。最喜欢书中一个观点是:put your mind into order,所以我需要每天书写。