书籍 Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan的封面

Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan

Herbert P. Bix







Winner of the Pulitzer Prize In this groundbreaking biography of the Japanese emperor Hirohito, Herbert P. Bix offers the first complete, unvarnished look at the enigmatic leader whose sixty-three-year reign ushered Japan into the modern world. Never before has the full life of this controversial figure been revealed with such clarity and vividness. Bix shows what it was like to be trained from birth for a lone position at the apex of the nation's political hierarchy and as a revered symbol of divine status. Influenced by an unusual combination of the Japanese imperial tradition and a modern scientific worldview, the young emperor gradually evolves into his preeminent role, aligning himself with the growing ultranationalist movement, perpetuating a cult of religious emperor worship, resisting attempts to curb his power, and all the while burnishing his image as a reluctant, passive monarch. Here we see Hirohito as he truly was: a man of strong will and real authority. Supported by a vast array of previously untapped primary documents, Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan is perhaps most illuminating in lifting the veil on the mythology surrounding the emperor's impact on the world stage. Focusing closely on Hirohito's interactions with his advisers and successive Japanese governments, Bix sheds new light on the causes of the China War in 1937 and the start of the Asia-Pacific War in 1941. And while conventional wisdom has had it that the nation's increasing foreign aggression was driven and maintained not by the emperor but by an elite group of Japanese militarists, the reality, as witnessed here, is quite different. Bix documents in detail the strong, decisive role Hirohito played in wartime operations, from the takeover of Manchuria in 1931 through the attack on Pearl Harbor and ultimately the fateful decision in 1945 to accede to an unconditional surrender. In fact, the emperor stubbornly prolonged the war effort and then used the horrifying bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, together with the Soviet entrance into the war, as his exit strategy from a no-win situation. From the moment of capitulation, we see how American and Japanese leaders moved to justify the retention of Hirohito as emperor by whitewashing his wartime role and reshaping the historical consciousness of the Japanese people. The key to this strategy was Hirohito's alliance with General MacArthur, who helped him maintain his stature and shed his militaristic image, while MacArthur used the emperor as a figurehead to assist him in converting Japan into a peaceful nation. Their partnership ensured that the emperor's image would loom large over the postwar years and later decades, as Japan began to make its way in the modern age and struggled -- as it still does -- to come to terms with its past. Until the very end of a career that embodied the conflicting aims of Japan's development as a nation, Hirohito remained preoccupied with politics and with his place in history. Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan provides the definitive account of his rich life and legacy. Meticulously researched and utterly engaging, this book is proof that the history of twentieth-century Japan cannot be understood apart from the life of its most remarkable and enduring leader.


HI537 不好的地方有论证冗长且过于重复,线索人物太多很难阅读。但是Bix挑战了裕仁作为“立宪君主”的伪装,虽然不足以证明他是战争中的决定性人物,但他无疑不是一个日本政府刻画出的被军政府愚弄的天皇。
太sentimental了。读过所有好的战后日本的书里 都有种浓浓的日本情节。
为写历史IA读完的。嗯,分析清晰有力。裕仁绝不是什么傀儡,而是大战犯。战败时在美国Anti- Communist战略的庇护下,没有连着审判裕仁一口气废除天皇制,是导致日本至今结构性逃避战争罪责根本无法回头的重要原因
非常坦率地来说,针对这部作品的评论大概可以作为中国日本近代史研究的水准和国际日本研究水准差距的一个标杆。长期以来,对于坚持昭和天皇是傀儡的虚无假说的“学者”而言,寻找到昭和天皇不是傀儡,而具有一定实质影响力并且进而应当承担责任的的对立假说并不困难。但是要让这种对立假说具有说服力,则完全是另外一种事情。简单地来说,这部作品并不算是严肃的历史学著作,而是类似一种通过历史文学的叙事方式而将破碎的证据链接起来的议论方式。区别枯燥的考证和动人的叙述,大概对于普通读者而言并非那么容易。我自身并非日本史的专攻,进而在这里并不试图以个人的研究断言这部著作的优劣,在承认这部著作的叙事框架的确是不小的创新以外,作为历史学研究,真的是糟点多多,相关文献可以参见:George Akita 2003 伊藤之雄2011