书籍 Poetry, Language, Thought的封面

Poetry, Language, Thought

Martin Heidegger







Essential reading for students and anyone interested in the great philosophers, this book opened up appreciation of Martin Heidegger beyond the confines of philosophy to the reaches of poetry. In Heidegger's thinking, poetry is not a mere amusement or form of culture but a force that opens up the realm of truth and brings man to the measure of his being and his world.

Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) was born in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He studied at the University of Freiburg and became a professor at the University of Marburg in 1932. After publishing his his magnum opus, Being and Time (1927), he returned to Freiburg to assume the chair of philosophy upon Husserl's retirement.

诗意,界定诗,物体,有点儿存在主义,Being、The Thing,居住,建筑etc,开篇就很美,虽然感觉有点难懂需要思考一会儿。看得有点累,是学到了东西,不过确实晦涩并总是重复orz
the being of beings
没有什么比听Taylor Carman讲这本书更幸福的了!
struggle but also enjoy
If I'm not mistaken, Heidegger is saying this: Being discloses itself through art, sets itself to work in the work, "all art as the letting happen of the advent of truth of what is, is, essentially poetry." 以及终于读了海德格尔关于诗、语言和艺术的书,是不是回过头读阿甘本就读的懂了...
感谢陈导赠书! 每晚运动完拉伸的时候 在瑜伽垫上读完的。 Quarantine大法好