书籍 River Town的封面

River Town

Peter Hessler










In 1996, 26-year-old Peter Hessler arrived in Fuling, a town on China's Yangtze River, to begin a two-year Peace Corps stint as a teacher at the local college. Along with fellow teacher Adam Meier, the two are the first foreigners to be in this part of the Sichuan province for 50 years. Expecting a calm couple of years, Hessler at first does not realize the social, cultural, and personal implications of being thrust into a such radically different society. In River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze, Hessler tells of his experience with the citizens of Fuling, the political and historical climate, and the feel of the city itself.

"Few passengers disembark at Fuling ... and so Fuling appears like a break in a dream--the quiet river, the cabins full of travelers drifting off to sleep, the lights of the city rising from the blackness of the Yangtze," says Hessler. A poor city by Chinese standards, the students at the college are mainly from small villages and are considered very lucky to be continuing their education. As an English teacher, Hessler is delighted with his students' fresh reactions to classic literature. One student says of Hamlet, "I don't admire him and I dislike him. I think he is too sensitive and conservative and selfish." Hessler marvels,

You couldn't have said something like that at Oxford. You couldn't simply say: I don't like Hamlet because I think he's a lousy person. Everything had to be more clever than that ... you had to dismantle it ... not just the play itself but everything that had ever been written about it.

Over the course of two years, Hessler and Meier learn more they ever guessed about the lives, dreams, and expectations of the Fuling people.

Hessler's writing is lovely. His observations are evocative, insightful, and often poignant--and just as often, funny. It's a pleasure to read of his (mis)adventures. Hessler returned to the U.S. with a new perspective on modern China and its people. After reading River Town, you'll have one, too. --Dana Van Nest, Amazon.com

读完一阵伤感, 当年的四川现在或许已不复存在. 将来如果能成为一个像Peter Hessler一样的人这辈子也值了.
River Town《江城》:如果没记错的话这本书应该是在香港机场书店买的,十几年前去越南的时候在香港转过机,但一直没看完。最近终于把它看完了,书中有太多让人想拍大腿惊呼“就是这样的,一点没错!”、“我也有同感!”、“这个点太有启发性了!”、“他怎么总结的这么好!”、“原来英文可以这么表述!”……的地方,值得反复阅读,仔细整理总结。 比如他写到在涪陵和学生一起阅读莎士比亚:四百多年前,莎士比亚爱上一位姑娘,并为她写了一首诗。他说要让她的美永恒。他做到了——四百多年后,在一个完全陌生的国度,一些陌生人读起这首诗,心里想象着这位姑娘的美丽。文字让她的美永世流传。
相当沉浸的一段阅读体验。和Ethan一起,他读中文版我读英文版。这本书就在我们半夜两点不睡觉聊有关中国的种种,听跳岛和the china talk采访何伟,看李一凡的《淹没》和把耳朵泡在万青新专辑中读完了,读到最后一页很伤感,仿佛自己也离开了涪陵。何伟真的是一个很温柔的人呀。
River Town 是我第一本看完的英文原著,是大一还是大二已经忘了,那时候还未听过什么叫非虚构,只是觉得这个发生在涪陵的故事淳朴又真挚。那时候思想也单纯,不会看到什么立刻就去想它背后是否藏着某种隐喻,于是真的能由衷地被这位27岁美国年轻人和中国乡村之间的脉脉温情所打动。其实也不是没有猜忌,涪陵外办的领导们也会担心这位美国年轻人会不会给学生和村民带来什么资本主义思想渗透,但大家在怀疑中还是选择抱着一颗开放的真心,愿意去了解和尊重彼此。那时候是1996年,转头看看当下,不免觉得“好年月只在旧时光”这句话也许真的没说错。
阅读完中文版后时隔一年多补读的原版 大致几个感受 1.如中文版读完时一样的感受在于何伟的父亲 这次更留意到了祖父 真的是一脉相承 而且感觉何伟就是命中注定要来中国 命中注定要成为中国人民的老朋友😅 2.何伟去年夏天离开中国 一如他25年前在某个夏日傍晚的“顺流而下” 何伟在书中提到他不敢想象20多年后涪陵的交通被私家车淹没的场景 我也很好奇这座小城在25年后会发展成什么样子 3.不记得看中文版时有没有哭 反正看到原版的最后告别我突然变得sentimental起来 当年的那些学生们在码头上都红着眼 不知去年何伟离开中国前的最后时分会不会也有稍微感伤的学生们呢?某种程度来说何伟是幸运的 因为在当下的context他可能遭到更多的质疑而非赞誉 质疑他这个“洋鬼子”的写作动机和立场…
补标。可读性超强,作者的观察力和幽默感真的很让人佩服。Petet Hessler已经超越了“中国通”这个概念, 读起来甚至感觉他比我还了解中国。97、98年的涪陵,很遥远的生活,但是读起来又感觉好像就发生在我们身边