书籍 The Song of Achilles的封面

The Song of Achilles

Madeline Miller









Greece in the age of Heroes. Patroclus, an awkward young prince, has been exiled to the kingdom of Phthia. Here he is nobody, just another unwanted boy living in the shadow of King Peleus and his golden son, Achilles. Achilles, 'best of all the Greeks', is everything Patroclus is not - strong, beautiful, the child of a goddess - and by all rights their paths should never cross. Yet one day, Achilles takes the shamed prince under his wing and soon their tentative companionship gives way to a steadfast friendship. As they grow into young men skilled in the arts of war and medicine, their bond blossoms into something far deeper - despite the displeasure of Achilles's mother Thetis, a cruel and deathly pale sea goddess with a hatred of mortals. Fate is never far from the heels of Achilles. When word comes that Helen of Sparta has been kidnapped, the men of Greece are called upon to lay siege to Troy in her name. Seduced by the promise of a glorious destiny, Achilles joins their cause, Torn between love and fear for his friend, Patroclus follows Achilles into war, little knowing that the years that follow will test everything they have learned, everything they hold dear. And that, before he is ready, he will be forced to surrender his friend to the hands of Fate. Profoundly moving and breathtakingly original, this rendering of the epic Trojan War is a dazzling feat of the imagination, a devastating love story, and an almighty battle between gods and kings, peace and glory, immortal fame and the human heart.

Madeline Miller was born in Boston and grew up in New York City and Philadelphia. She attended Brown University, where she earned her BA and MA in Classics. For the last ten years she has been teaching and tutoring Latin, Greek and Shakespeare to high school students. She has also studied at the University of Chicago’s Committee on Social Thought, and in the Dramaturgy departme...


我居然读完了!最后三分之一的战争部分要好得多,会很有冲动一直看下去,而且他们终于成了英雄(脑补着各种史诗般的画面)。作者的写法简直已经到了司马昭之心的地步,而且,出乎我的意料,还不是强强的类型,准确的说在前面三分之一除了血统我都没感觉出啥强大的地方来。总之作者想象得挺腻歪而且还没给个理由为啥,出于考据(I guess)还不得不包括了一些雷点,比如孩子她妈(我相当怀疑和Patroclus这段真的会有记录吗但是想不通作者会自己这么写)。我总觉得外国人太缺言情(包括耽美)了,所以一部严谨的同人小说不仅能收到欢迎,还能登上大雅之堂
A character can only be so smart as the author... I don't know if the author regrets publishing the book, I certainly regret reading it.
虽然有点狗血 但还是赚了我一大把眼泪 Achilles说Patroclus是他的“Philtatos". Most beloved. 人都没了你说也晚了啊我的小心肝
如果不是因为大爱Circe, 或者不是因为是Miller的作品,我可能不会想读Achilles 的故事。尽管是已知结局,最后几章还是让我比我想象中的受到震撼。Miller真的把Achilles 和Patroclus 两人的关系描写的紧抓人心。在紧贴原著的同时,又赋予他们新的空间和维度,在读者眼前重新展现这些人物更人性的一面。喜欢作者描写他们的成长之路,Achilles 的勇气、决心,Patroclus 的善良与坚韧,横在他们之间的预言,等等,这一个老故事在作者笔下散发着迷人的新生命力。
u1s1 没有它名声那么好看 也有可能因为greek神话不是我的菜 而且角色改的好奇怪啊 achilles这个角色很扁平 有暮光之城内味 .. “漂亮的完美的半神” 做的事情前后矛盾 而且patroclus原作也不是个超级热爱和平的弱弱的角色 真的这么弱的话最后杀掉宙斯的儿子多少有点说不通 不过大团圆结局点个赞 不得不说希腊神话 reminds me of old days lol 所以多给半分ww