书籍 Ordeal by Innocence的封面

Ordeal by Innocence

Christie, Agatha








Book Description

Recovering from amnesia, Dr. Arthur Calgary discovers that he alone could have provided an alibi in a scandalous murder trial. It ended in the conviction of Jacko Argyle. The victim was Jacko's own mother, and to make matters worse, he died in prison. But the young man's innocence means that someone else killed the Argyle matriarch, and would certainly kill again to remain in the shadows. Shaded in the moral ambiguity of murder, the provocative psychological puzzler of guilt, vengeance, and blood secrets is among Agatha Christie's personal favorites.

From AudioFile

Mary Argyle seemed like a paragon; since she had no children of her own and lots of money, she persuaded her husband to adopt a varied brood. During the War years, there were many desperate mothers and homeless children. Many years later, she is murdered, and we learn that things were not as genteel as they seemed. Everyone did NOT love Mary, and the suspects are numerous. Veteran narrator Robin Bailey captures the emotions and sounds of an earlier era in this classic Christie title. Fans of nostalgia and Christie should love it. S.G.B.

Book Dimension

length: (cm)17.4                 width:(cm)10.8

Lovely lovebirds are always the most important
端午假期顺利读完。这次很直观地感受到阿婆组织语言、安排情节与视角的手法,纯熟老道,既能照顾到情节发展又能突出人物内心。看BBC的改编以为重点是mental health,但看文本觉得重点是motherhood。英国人也这么信龙生龙凤生凤的嘛。
You have nobody to hate anymore. And that makes you quite lonely, doesn't it? But you've got to learn to live without hate, Micky. It may be difficult, but it can be done.