Most of the time, I am the only guest of Siti Bungalow, it's so quite in evening, sometimes, I am bit scared by the stories, but kept reading, I guess I can finish it before I leave Ubud for Jakarta...
Yes, I made it, I finished this book this afternoon before I left guest house for dinner. but my eyes suffered...
序言里阿婆提到说她写了马普尔小姐之后读者来信分成了两种,一种偏向波洛一种偏向马普尔小姐。她说她自己是后者,我也是( ˘ω˘ )。看起来温柔却不起眼的老太太却比任何人都了解human nature的那种对比感,以及每篇故事的巧妙的setting……特别是最后一篇里牧师太太站在如宝石般的彩色玻璃窗前对那个死去的男人说"Your daughter will be fine, I promise”的时候,不知为何就被戳中了。描写花语的那篇也很喜欢。但是英文版……阿婆用的词太上个世纪了所以必须得一边查字典一边读。另外短篇推理虽然可以看trick却看不到角色个性,这大概是所有短篇推理小说的通病吧。但总体上还是非常满足( ˘ω˘ )