书籍 Hit Refresh的封面

Hit Refresh

Satya Nadella










Hit Refresh is about individual change, about the transformation happening inside of Microsoft and the technology that will soon impact all of our lives—the arrival of the most exciting and disruptive wave of technology humankind has experienced: artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and quantum computing. It’s about how people, organizations, and societies can and must transform and “hit refresh” in their persistent quest for new energy, new ideas, and continued relevance and renewal.

Microsoft’s CEO tells the inside story of the company’s continuing transformation, tracing his own personal journey from a childhood in India to leading some of the most significant technological changes in the digital era. Satya Nadella explores a fascinating childhood before immigrating to the U.S. and how he learned to lead along the way. He then shares his meditations as a sitting CEO—one who is mostly unknown following the brainy Bill Gates and energetic Steve Ballmer. He tells the inside story of how a company rediscovered its soul—transforming everything from culture to their fiercely competitive landscape and industry partnerships. As much a humanist as engineer and executive, Nadella concludes with his vision for the coming wave of technology and by exploring the potential impact to society and delivering call to action for world leaders.

“Ideas excite me,” Nadella explains. “Empathy grounds and centers me.” Hit Refresh is a set of reflections, meditations, and recommendations presented as algorithms from a principled, deliberative leader searching for improvement—for himself, for a storied company, and for society.

怀着对CEO视角的好奇,竟然读完了这本书。一个有趣的视角是 empathy (共情), 贯穿他面试的经历,到公司的文化,以及技术对于共情的帮助。After all, it's all about take another point of view
Good book: 1. Enterprises' mission is to make the employees feel a sense of fulfillment. 2. Embrace change and apply it with high intensities; 3. Sense emotions. My love for tech is heightened by this book.
Good stories for the first half. The second half proves that Satya could be running President one day.
Empathy is the gist.
Satya不是一个自然的作家,但是我相信在这本书里写的基本是他相信的价值观。我现在在中国地产投资和基金行业里做一个新的细分领域的半初创,这个行业是传统的,思维方式变化很慢。在一个内卷的社会里最内卷的行业之一。作者以CEO的视角给了我一点指引 - 管理上要做到共情,个人思维上要永远在路上永远有成长思维。不要留恋过去的辉煌,要努力创造属于未来的产业。