书籍 Ultralearning的封面


Scott H Young







Learn a new talent, stay relevant, reinvent yourself, and adapt to whatever the workplace throws your way. Ultralearning offers nine principles to master hard skills quickly. This is the essential guide to future-proof your career and maximize your competitive advantage through self-education.

In these tumultuous times of economic and technological change, staying ahead depends on continual self-education—a lifelong mastery of fresh ideas, subjects, and skills. If you want to accomplish more and stand apart from everyone else, you need to become an ultralearner.

The challenge of learning new skills is that you think you already know how best to learn, as you did as a student, so you rerun old routines and old ways of solving problems. To counter that, Ultralearning offers powerful strategies to break you out of those mental ruts and introduces new training methods to help you push through to higher levels of retention.

Scott H. Young incorporates the latest research about the most effective learning methods and the stories of other ultralearners like himself—among them Benjamin Franklin, chess grandmaster Judit Polgár, and Nobel laureate physicist Richard Feynman, as well as a host of others, such as little-known modern polymath Nigel Richards, who won the French World Scrabble Championship—without knowing French.

Young documents the methods he and others have used to acquire knowledge and shows that, far from being an obscure skill limited to aggressive autodidacts, ultralearning is a powerful tool anyone can use to improve their career, studies, and life.

Ultralearning explores this fascinating subculture, shares a proven framework for a successful ultralearning project, and offers insights into how you can organize and exe - cute a plan to learn anything deeply and quickly, without teachers or budget-busting tuition costs.

Whether the goal is to be fluent in a language (or ten languages), earn the equivalent of a college degree in a fraction of the time, or master multiple tools to build a product or business from the ground up, the principles in Ultralearning will guide you to success.

Scott H. Young is a writer who undertakes interesting self-education projects, such as attempting to learn MIT’s four-year computer science curriculum in twelve months and learning four languages in one year. He lives in Vancouver, Canada.

Acknowledgement中列出的james clear, cal newport基本都是一个套路写作。自己的成功故事+别人的成功故事+制造概念+响亮的名字+attach一些心理学理论。但是看作者怎么get around材料不足够的MIT课很有趣。另外其实我觉得Scott本身的故事就已经很有趣了,很resourceful,本身就可以跟很多有趣的心理学理论相关,应该也coach过了不少他人,可惜他没有专注于讲自己具体的故事,非要写一本learning science的书。(ironically MIT心理学intro在MIT open上有,教授是learning science领域卓有建树的人,另外MIT Open在心理学还是神经科学底下有一门专门讲learning的课...)
不一定非得ultralearning 本书本质还是技能习得性学习的原则、方法 跟其它类似的书内容大同小异 很多地方太啰嗦,可以精简点
上下班的路上听完了这本书,还是那些“我懂,但是我做不到”的道理。学习应该self motivated, devoted, focused。作者小哥的learning sabbatical太奢侈了,只有刚毕业的年轻人可以把自己关在房间里一年,每天8-12小时一口气学完MIT的四年课程。所以书里提到的那位持家带娃搞研究的女科学家(没记住名字)才是我的楷模啊!
很单薄的理论使劲抻成一本书。上网读个book summary就差不多了。