书籍 Liftoff的封面


Eric Berger








"Liftoff reads like something out of the golden age of Science Fiction but this isn't a novel by Robert Heinlein or Arthur C. Clarke. This is the true, astounding story of the men and women who spun those sci-fi dreams into reality. This is as important a book on space as has ever been written and it's a riveting page-turner, too! -- HOMER HICKAM, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Rocket Boys

“This might be the best space book I've ever read. Liftoff will prove to be a defining story not only for the commercial space industry, but for the Space Age writ large, and there's no one better than Eric Berger to tell it.” -- KELLIE GERARDI, author of Not Necessarily Rocket Science

“Eric Berger brings to life the passion and sacrifice of the early SpaceX team as they navigated through countless obstacles toward unlikely success. The skillfully described technical details, paired with a candid glimpse into individual personalities, makes Liftoff a must read for space enthusiasts and novices alike.” -- KAREN NYBERG, NASA Astronaut

"[Berger] depicts race-against-the-clock crises as fast-paced as a thriller, with moments reminiscent of Apollo 13 or The Martian. ... An exciting and insightful read." -- Booklist

"The elegant brilliance of the engineering that allows today’s space rockets to land themselves back on earth—or at sea—right way up, and on target to the inch, is all the doing of the teams assembled by Elon Musk—and the story of how he did it, and how for sure he will get us to Mars whether we like it or not, is told in appropriately stellar fashion by Eric Berger in a book that held me captive, in earth orbit, from prologue to epilogue, countdown to splashdown." -- SIMON WINCHESTER, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Perfectionists

“Eric Berger has followed the exploits of SpaceX and its founder, Elon Musk, from its very early days. In Liftoff, Eric relates the many personal accounts collected in one-on-one interviews with Musk and many of his key leaders and associates. He chronicles the frenetic pace of Falcon 1 development and the toll it took on many of the early employees. This is a book that will hold your rapt attention from start to finish.” -- CHARLES BOLDEN, Former NASA Administrator and Four-Time Astronaut

About the Author

Eric Berger is a reporter and editor based in Houston. After a long career in the Houston Chronicle, he joined Ars Technica in 2015 as the site’s senior space editor, covering SpaceX, NASA, and everything beyond. He was a Pulitzer Prize finalist for his coverage of Hurricane Ike in the Houston Chronicle in 2008.

虽然知道讲的是early days,但是还是有种戛然而止的感觉,希望有后续啊!
Elon Musk wants us to inhabit Mars. As global warming threatens life on Earth, he thinks we should leave our planet – or prepare to fail as a species. “Save your money kid, and go sit on the beach.” (dismiss)
SpaceX 的故事。很生动很有可读性。读了这本书对SpaceX这一神奇公司的了解就深多了
还没看完就忍不住推荐了,SpaceX早期Falcon 1工程师们的群像,马斯克铁粉必读,太燃了!造火箭绝对是每个工程师的终极梦想
算是 Elon Musk 授权的 SpaceX 官方传记,作者也是报道航空航天方面的记者。作者采访了很多 SpaceX 的早期员工,详细记录了 SpaceX 发展过程中的几个高光时刻。