书籍 Ask Your Developer的封面

Ask Your Developer

Jeff Lawson










From banking and retail to insurance and finance, every industry is turning digital, and every company needs the best software to win the hearts and minds of customers. The landscape has shifted from the classic build vs. buy question, to one of build vs. die. Companies have to get this right to survive. But how do they make this transition?

Software developers are sought after, highly paid, and desperately needed to compete in the modern, digital economy. Yet most companies treat them like digital factory workers without really understanding how to unleash their full potential. Lawson argues that developers are the creative workforce who can solve major business problems and create hit products for customers—not just grind through rote tasks. From Google and Amazon, to one-person online software companies—companies that bring software developers in as partners are winning. Lawson shows how leaders who build industry changing software products consistently do three things well. First, they understand why software developers matter more than ever. Second, they understand developers and know how to motivate them. And third, they invest in their developers' success.

As a software developer and public company CEO, Lawson uses his unique position to bridge the language and tools executives use with the unique culture of high performing, creative software developers. Ask Your Developer is a toolkit to help business leaders, product managers, technical leaders, software developers, and executives achieve their common goal—building great digital products and experiences.

How to compete in the digital economy? In short: Ask Your Developer.

NYPL 1st audiobook :)
和其他 CEO 写的书不太一样,这本书着眼于如何帮助非技术背景的读者了解技术在各行各业的应用及影响,也就是数字化转型。 1. Jeff 自己是程序员出身,创立了大大小小不同的公司之后,决定跑到 AWS 学习成熟技术公司如何运作的; 2. Jeff 刚进 AWS,就参加了一场全员大会,也就是 Jeff Bezos 强调了 Amazon 是一家技术公司,而不是零售公司; 3. Jeff 强调 build or die 的概念,也就是在数字化转型中,要转型得彻底,要像技术公司那样去搭建自己的软件; 4. 具体哪些软件应该自己搭建呢? Jeff 给出了一个很简单的判断标准,凡是面向用户的工具都应该自己开发,这样才能快速响应客户的需求。
Extremely informative. This is what they should teach in business school.
“Being a software person is a mindset, not a skill set.” “You can’t buy differentiation. You can only build it.” “Experimentation is the prerequisite to innovation.” “The key to getting businesspeople and developers to work well together is to share problems, not solutions.”