书籍 The Moon and Sixpence的封面

The Moon and Sixpence

W. Somerset Maugham







Charles Strickland, a conventional stockbroker, abandons his wife and children for Paris and Tahiti, to live his life as a painter. Whilst his betrayal of family, duty and honour gives him the freedom to achieve greatness, his decision leads to an obsession which carries severe implications. Inspired by the life of Paul Gauguin, The Moon and Sixpence is at once a satiric caricature of Edwardian conventions and a vivid portrayal of the mentality of a genius.

William Somerset Maugham was born in Paris in 1874. He spoke French even before he spoke a word of English, a fact to which some critics attribute the purity of his style.

His parents died early and, after an unhappy boyhood, which he recorded poignantly in 'Of Human Bondage' , Maugham became a qualified physician. But writing was his true vocation. For ten years before his fir...


Maugham is really one of my favourite. He writes stories briefly. Dialogue, the relationships between people, the beginning, process and ending can be seen clearly. And I really love his tone. There is always an "I" in his novel, which makes me moving. However, this time i found something i did not notice before. From Moon to the Razor's edge, he found his way just like Strickland found his way to express through painting. Maugham is not able to describe the so-called power and home in this book, but he suceeded in the Razor's Edge. However, i still love the Moon and Sixpence the best. it's amazing to see the combination of these simple and shadow words brings such great influence everytime he described the paintings. it also shocks me again when i read chapter 50. Abraham, the name of faith. i still cling to the hope of one day i meet my own permanent Alexandria. To leave or to stay is of no importance. Just to meet it is enough for my forever nostalgia.
on kindle. 地铁读物。好多似曾相识的东西。在10号线上读完了,虽然从小就听说过,但发现竟然和模糊的想像完全不同。
重读完英文版以后再次激动地热泪盈眶。不得不说这本书可以算是至今为之我最喜欢且对我影响最大的一本小说了。 作为个体,我一生所追寻的无非是一种感受,并非摒弃理性,并非为情感而左右颠覆,但只是感受罢了,追随情感而行,就如书中所追随的美与人生一样。Artist的独衷。 嗯,英文阅读速度得到了很大的提升。感动T T. Ps.“又何必要把爱情看的太重”纯作为一种情感的体验罢了。这点倒也是挺好的。