书籍 Birdsong的封面


Sebastian Faulks









In 1910 a young Englishman, Stephen Wraysford, goes to Picardy, France, to learn the textile business. While there he plunges into a love affair with the young wife of his host, a passion so imperative and consuming that it changes him forever. Several years later, with the outbreak of World War I, he finds himself again in the fields of Picardy, this time as a soldier on the Western Front. A strange, occasionally bitter man, Stephen is possessed of an inexplicable will to survive. He struggles through the hideously bloody battles of the Marne, Verdun, and the Somme (in the last named, thirty thousand British soldiers were killed in the first half hour alone), camps for weeks at a time in the verminous trenches, and hunkers in underground tunnels as he watches many of the companions he has grown to love perish. In spite of everything, Stephen manages to find hope and meaning in the blasted world he inhabits.

Sixty years after war's end, his granddaughter discovers, and keeps, Stephen's promise to a dying man. Sebastian Faulks brings the anguish of love and war to vivid life, and leaves the reader's mind pulsating with images that are graphic and unforgettable.

One poetic novel, reminding me of that all the beautiful things doom to be wrong, somehow, in the first place, and then there comes their redemptions in the last chapter optic.
前几章的结尾都会有被震撼的感觉。Jack的故事不止一次看哭我:( hatred is not real but manufactured.
Great imagination, very convincing. History, no matter how traumatic, should not be hidden or forgotten by later generations.
Audiobook read by Samuel West。太蠢了看到SW的朗读就直接买了,完全没注意是删减版……就删减版的内容我只能给两颗星,实在是太无趣了,剧情提不起一点兴趣。太心痛了六个小时打了水漂。
There is another angle to describe the war from the trench.
花了两个多月终于读完。战争部分比较精彩,近距离带给人战争的无情与残酷,那种战场上的伤亡景象是少有的。 感情部分以及后来他孙女那部分就有点弱,也有点拖沓,看的时候总想快进🤭。