书籍 Too Much Happiness的封面

Too Much Happiness

Alice Munro









A wife and mother, whose spirit has been crushed, finds release from her extraordinary pain in the most unlikely place. The young victim of a humiliating seduction (which involves reading Housman in the nude) finds an unusual way to get her own back and move on. An older woman, dying of cancer, weaves a poisonous story to save her life. Other stories of this title uncover the 'deep holes' in marriage and their consequences, the dangerous intimacy of girls and the cruelty of children. The long title story follows Sophia Kovalevsky, a late nineteenth-century Russian emigree and mathematical genius, as she takes a fateful winter journey that begins with a visit to her lover on the Riviera, and ends in Sweden, where she is a professor at the only university willing to hire a woman to teach her subject. Alice Munro takes on complex, even harrowing emotions and events, and renders them into stories that surprise, amaze and shed light on the unpredictable ways we accommodate to what happens in our lives.

艾丽丝•门罗(Alice Munro,1931— )


'it is to be happiness after all.Happiness after all.Happiness.'
subtlety. Love her description of ageing.
Booker Prize 2009
这本的情节更戏剧化一些,但是文字的表面还是门罗式的平静。 还是不动声色的把那些没办法表达,也没办法沟通的,微妙的情绪,像一眼泉水,静静的咕嘟出来;把那些细小却不能忽略的刺,一点点的揪出来。 读的越多越艰难,经常一篇几十页要看好几次。 确实有点疲劳了,但是最后一篇,又惊艳了一下。感谢门罗,让我认识了索菲娅·柯瓦列夫斯卡娅。
My one last reading to wrap up 2023. Munro captured those deep holes in the naked dimensions of human nature in her most placid yet lucid way.
She writes with a deep comprehension of humanity, a subtle construction of mortal behavior, an interior sneer of clumsy obedience and a touching genteelness. That is why she is admired by the world, moreover, she is a magnificent storyteller even if she confines herself in fragile marriage, dangled friendship and other general topics of this kind.