书籍 Oranges are Not the Only Fruit的封面

Oranges are Not the Only Fruit

Jeanette Winterson


Vintage Books







his is the story of Jeanette, adopted and brought up by her mother as one of God’s elect.

Zealous and passionate, she seems seems destined for life as a missionary, but then she falls for one of her converts. At sixteen, Jeanette decides to leave the church, her home and her family, for the young woman she loves.

Innovative, punchy and tender, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit is a few days ride into the bizarre outposts of religious excess and human obsession.

‘A novel that deserves revisiting…Winterson maintains a balance of tone, a trueness of voice… It remains one of the finest things Winterson has written’ Observer

‘Many consider her to be the best living writer in this language… In her hands, words are fluid, radiant, humming’ Evening Standard

‘Even at a time when so many good and interesting novels are coming out, hers stand out as performances of real originality and extraordinary promise’ John Bayley

‘A wonderful rites-of-passage novel’ Mariella Frostrup

Jeanette Winterson OBE was born in Manchester. Adopted by Pentecostal parents she was raised to be a missionary. This did and didn't work out.

Discovering early the power of books she left home at 16 to live in a Mini and get on with her education. After graduating from Oxford university she worked for a while in the theatre and published her first novel at 25.


"read yourself as a fiction as well as a fact"
从长滩开始读,房间竟然时断时续可以上会儿网,书没法读了… 终于读完了,在读完全部三联之后!
真的孤独。作者前言很棒 It is the poet who is trying to understand us.
文笔又好故事讲的又好 前言看的很感动 不过我估计大部分宗教和canon的reference都lost on me 总觉得有的地方有点orientalism的意思 还有jeanette怎么找情人那么容易 我晕
一个有些奇怪但又脑洞大开的故事。书的主人公也叫Jeanette,是作者的self- invention。几个关键词:宗教、lesbian、圆桌骑士、生活中的超现实幻想(那些五颜六色的demon)。目录的编排很有意思,似乎和圣经有关。其实看完后觉得没太读懂,于是翻到开头重读了一遍序言,倒是蛮喜欢Jeanette对待生活和文学那开放、玩味的态度。
Story is Desire is the Holy Grail. And that glimpse (of it?) had set me wandering, trying to find the balance between the earth and the sky…The unknownness of my desire frightens me, yet who knows? “After all,” said her mother, “oranges are not the only fruit.”
Couldn’t finish. Too desperate for some girl on girl love scene and the context is just excruciatingly long. I get it, a religious mom is the necessary block building up the story, but my patience dies too young before meeting the main characters half way.
Beautiful language, sentimental narrative
but u have already forgotten me i wanna shake u and pull off my clothes and ask you do u remember this body!? 当着街头撕掉衣服,想问问你还记得这副身体吗,还记得吗