书籍 Computer Networks, Fifth Edition的封面

Computer Networks, Fifth Edition

Larry L. Peterson







This best-selling and classic book teaches you the key principles of computer networks with examples drawn from the real world of network and protocol design. Using the Internet as the primary example, the authors explain various protocols and networking technologies. Their systems-oriented approach encourages you to think about how individual network components fit into a larger, complex system of interactions. Whatever your perspective, whether it be that of an application developer, network administrator, or a designer of network equipment or protocols, you will come away with a "big picture" understanding of how modern networks and their applications are built.

*Completely updated content with expanded coverage of the topics of utmost importance to networking professionals and students, including P2P, wireless, security, and applications. *Increased focus on application layer issues where innovative and exciting research and design is currently the center of attention. *Free downloadable network simulation software and lab experiments manual available.

和Top-down一书各有千秋吧。Top-down一书胜在Application Layer,本书胜在Congestion Control,并且对Physical Layer的讲述更全面一点。至于是应该Bottom-up还是Top-down,看个人喜好吧,我更喜欢Bottom-up一点。我其实读的第6版,第6版在GitHub上开源了,给作者点个赞。
csc458 textbook. 正在读, 分是乱打的.
作者虽是业内大牛,著书水平实不敢恭维,长篇累牍、语言干瘪但又切不到点子上。如果不是学校指定教材还是去读 Top-down approach 吧,比这本通透太多。