书籍 Design Research Through Practice的封面

Design Research Through Practice

Ilpo Koskinen







Businesses and the HCI and Interaction Design communities have embraced design and design research. Design research as a field blends methodologies from several disciplines - sociology, engineering, software, philosophy, industrial design, HCI/interaction design -- so designers can learn from past successes and failure and don't have to reinvent the wheel for each new design (whether it's a digital product, a building, an airplane or furniture). They take into account form, function, and, ultimately, users. Many books exist in the research and academic realm for this field, but none create a usable bridge to design practice. Although business people are embracing design, they are not going to become designers. Design researchers need tools to apply their research in the real world. Design Research through Practice takes advanced design practice as its starting point, but enriches it to build a design process than can respond to both academic and practical problems. The aims of the book are to study three design research traditions that cover methodological directions in current leading research community. Taking you from the Lab, Field and to the Showroom, Ilpo Koskinen and his group of researchers show you successful traditions in design research that have been integrated into processes and products. Bridging the gap from design research to design practice, this is a must have for any designer. Gathers design research experts from traditional lab science, social science, art, industrial design, UX and HCI to lend tested practices and how they can be used in a variety of design projects Provides a multidisciplinary story of the whole design process, with proven and teachable techniques that can solve both academic and practical problems Presents key examples illustrating how research is applied and vignettes summarizing the key how-to details of specific projects

15年申请phd,写proposal之前看的,当时还在美国工作,天天画草图建模,dress up给客户present累坏啦,也是看个大概。后来开始读phd,导师给了我一本实体书,认认真真读完了,很易懂,设计博士必读的一本书。作为设计师,我很感动,Ilpo大大提醒大家,设计博士是要和其他类别的博士区别开来的,实践还有设计感,美感也很重要。最简单的一个例子,就是设计学院的phd集会,最后的时候,llpo说:咱们设计学院的博士们的ppt怎么大部分都是那么“工科”呢?嘤嘤嘤,是呀,我也曾经觉得什么grid呀font呀,在严谨的学术气氛下好像完全不重要了。设计万岁~上过学术大牛llpo的设计哲学课,讲了很久意大利的设计,不过光是他的人格魅力已经让我兴奋不已了,可惜llpo离开咱学校了,难过。。。
这本书写得挺好的,易读,清晰,全面。是本很好的了解 design research的入门书。本书的主要作者为了写这本书,基本上把全世界都玩了遍。所以这本书几乎提到了所有与design research相关的人物。
读这本书的契机源于申PhD 路上认识了一位很喜欢的老师(本书三作),在他的推荐下开始阅读。而深深觉得很不错,是因为,即便我在设计一线工作6年后,我仍然觉得作者讲的东西并虚无缥缈,而是非常真实、客气的表达的设计、设计研究的处境。看的过程中常感慨他们的综合与前瞻,如果我知道这些事情的发展史与普遍困境,我想也许我会更开阔些。