书籍 Critical Thinking的封面

Critical Thinking

Richard Paul


FT Press







Critical Thinking is about becoming a better thinker in every aspect of your life: in your career, and as a consumer, citizen, friend, parent, and lover. Discover the core skills of effective thinking; then analyze your own thought processes, identify weaknesses, and overcome them. Learn how to translate more effective thinking into better decisions, less frustration, more wealth Q and above all, greater confidence to pursue and achieve your most important goals in life.

Dr. Richard Paul is founder of the Foundation for Critical Thinking and director of research and professional development at the Center for Critical Thinking. He is an internationally recognized authority on critical thinking, with nine books and more than 200 articles on the subject. His views on critical thinking have been canvassed in the New York Times, Education Week, The ...


Mrs.Zhu asked our calss to finish the book before the new semester. To verify that I have read the book, I keep copying words, making excerpts and comments for 15 days.
看到评论说翻译很坑特地看的原版 看到2/3还在说之后篇章会详细描述之后会教你如何如何 而且同一个意思反反复复地说 虎头蛇尾。 | 20190119更新 这个书还是值得看的 最近消极想法开始发散的时候 真的有用过书里的技巧 reduce了不少negativeness
基于对自己的egocentric thinking的存疑,我给这本书打三星,因为这本书废!话!太!多!一大堆描述现象,很少深入剖析原因
4.5 缺点是冗长反复。但观点值得一读。 批判性思维也是情绪管理,负面情绪的根本原因是irrational thinking,所以咱就得关注自己到底是怎么想的。很多都是assumption的问题(就是潜意识吧?或内在归因?)那咱就多反思!还有还有多搜集信息,不要片面,不要二手,理性分析! 而且如果真的能理性思考了,做决定时候也能少点纠结,多点果断。咱就是说真的明白自己的目的是什么,定期审视,并问问自己这和我的最终目的相关吗?还是不是背道而驰了? 关于Decision-making,有个解释印象还挺深刻,如果作出的选择不利于别人,那就是不道德。如果不利于自己,那就是不理性。不道德是因为egocentric, 不理智则是没有学会延迟满足
As a reference for the reflective learning journal assignment to be completed in this semester's critical thinking and systems thinking course, I went back to the starting point again, looking for a book that changed my way of thinking, and then, I realized that I still love lt.
中心思想就是人是egocentric, sociocentric的动物,所以要时时检查思想,矫正倾向。