书籍 The Pearl的封面

The Pearl

John Steinbeck


Penguin Books







“There it lay, the great pearl, perfect as the moon.”

Like his father and grandfather before him, Kino is a poor diver, gathering pearls from the gulf beds that once brought great wealth to the Kings of Spain and now provide Kino, Juana, and their infant son with meager subsistence. Then, on a day like any other, Kino emerges from the sea with a pearl as large as a sea gull's egg, as "perfect as the moon." With the pearl comes hope, the promise of comfort and of security....

A story of classic simplicity, based on a Mexican folk tale, The Pearl explores the secrets of man's nature, the darkest depths of evil, and the luminous possibilities of love.

John Steinbeck, born in Salinas, California, in 1902, grew up in a fertile agricultural valley, about twenty-five miles from the Pacific Coast. Both the valley and the coast would serve as settings for some of his best fiction. In 1919 he went to Stanford University, where he intermittently enrolled in literature and writing courses until he left in 1925 without taking a degree...


2018/07/17 - 2018/07/22
“ For it is said that humans are never satisfied, that you give them one thing and they want something more.”
melody of the family, song of the pearl, song of the EVIL
绝不仅像它的剧情那么简单。精妙的意象和隐喻、生之为人的哲学探讨、简洁却至美的景色描写,远古乐曲般粗犷,珍珠光泽般细腻。不只具有画面感,还有温度和味觉在行间。短小的故事和至真的人心。Because he was a man一句是跳脱类型格局的惊艳,而更多神来之笔还狠狠地埋伏文中,时不时钳你的眼睛一下。精悍文墨写动人苍生,之上又有更广袤深厚的意义待探讨,必经之路上的欲望恐惧痛苦饥渴死亡,善恶情感与命运左右,无知的桎梏与永恒的人性,远古与自然,half insanity and half god---抽象具象的结合简直完美了,感觉还要再重读几遍。刚知道JS就是Of Mice and Men的作者,double期待。
audiobook 150'
I believe the pearl is innocent.