书籍 The Moon and Sixpence (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics)的封面

The Moon and Sixpence (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics)

W. Somerset Maugham







The Moon and Sixpence<.I>, published in 1919, was one of the novels that galvanized W. Somerset Maugham's reputation as a literary master. It follows the life of one Charles Strickland, a bourgeois city gent whose dull exterior conceals the soul of a genius. Compulsive and impassioned, he abandons his home, wife, and children to devote himself slavishly to painting. In a tiny studio in Paris, he fills canvas after canvas, refusing to sell or even exhibit his work. Beset by poverty, sickness, and his own intransigent, unscrupulous nature, he drifts to Tahiti, where, even after being blinded by leprosy, he produces some of his most extraordinary works of art. Inspired by the life of Paul Gauguin, The Moon and Sixpence is an unforgettable study of a man possessed by the need to create&#151;regardless of the cost to himself and to others.

威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆(William Somerset Maugham,1874 -1965),英国小说家,剧作家,被誉为“故事圣手”。







sublime circumlocutions!前两章快看哭了。追逐你的梦想“we go lonely, side by side but not together, unable to know our fellows and unknown by them”
和《人性的枷锁》《刀锋》联系起来看,粉碎或者不说粉碎,哪怕是审视一下人性的桎梏算是贯穿三本的主题之一了。这个枷锁可以包括love,marriage,social opinion,moral judgement ...
fun read but man should never write about woman and why they do what they do. but i like the adventurous the lonely and the not give a fuck. do what you like and everyone else should just go fuck themselves. if you know what you like.
假如中学时看到这本书(的确也适合中学生阅读),估计觉得不过是又一本莫泊桑式“我有一个朋友”小说。经过这些年liberal思想、政治正确的熏陶,Strickland其人的厌女情结像房间里的大象一样难以忽视——厌恶女人又离不开女人,渴望女人的身体与照顾,用完了一脚踹开,简直是stereotypical misogynist,而这一特点又常常和他对世俗规矩的鄙夷(which在我们这个年代里,也常受褒扬)被混为一谈,视作他仙风道骨的证据。不得不承认,the few的年代过去了,一旦开了“慧”眼,看到了the many千年以来的痛苦,就难以再为the few唱出发自肺腑的赞歌。
2012-02-16 读过 ”I don't want love. I haven't time for it. It's weakness.“ 现在读起来不认同了。而且感觉写得很垃圾,随手写,他自己都没费工夫。
The second time that I finished this book. I was again astonished by Strickland's excellent art and passion to paint. He was controlled by mysterious magic force that enabled him to give up his family and start painting. That force was from the beginning of the world and was a human instinct to create beauty. Maugham is a real master of English.
害,没什么可挑的。要说就是毛姆写字太淡了吧... 果然被媒体曲解了,完全不是鸡汤,不过是个被self击中的人,自救罢了。 情节中那些让某些读者看完不适的行径我到也觉得还好,strickland既然连自己都不在乎了,你觉得他会在乎别人? 毛姆对女人的描写我着实有点失望,就不在这女拳了。Branche那里一开始我也没想明白这一段的意义在哪,其实答案strickland说了:这个女人自己选择的。strickland这么执着、忘我的一位艺术家,一个留着红胡子的男人,为什么女人不可以爱他? 其实说“选择”是委婉了,这种东西你没得选,月亮在那里,你是看不见另一个选项的。看见了,犹豫了,也无法不拽住那根帮你脱裤苦海的木头。 你不会问一个将要溺水的人为什么拽住一个木头,因为他没有选择。
Children. How can you care for the opinion of the crowd, when you don't care twopence for the opinion of the individual?