书籍 John Keats的封面

John Keats

John Keats







Keats's first volume of poems, published in 1817, demonstrated both his belief in the consummate power of poetry and his liberal views. While he was criticized by many for his politics, his immediate circle of friends and family immediately recognized his genius. In his short life he proved to be one of the greatest and most original thinkers of the second generation of Romantic poets, with such poems as "Ode to a Nightingale", "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer" and "La Belle Dame sans Merci".While his writing is illuminated by his exaltation of the imagination and abounds with sensuous descriptions of nature's beauty, it also explores profound philosophical questions. John Barnard's acclaimed volume contains all the poems known to have been written by Keats, arranged by date of composition. The texts are lightly modernized and are complemented by extensive notes, a comprehensive introduction, an index of classical names, selected extracts from Keats's letters and a number of pieces not widely available, including his annotations to Milton's "Paradise Lost".

John Keats (1795-1821) is one of the greatest English poets and a key figure in the Romantic Movement. He has become the epitome of the young, beautiful, doomed poet. He wrote, among others, 'The Eve of St Agnes', 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci', 'Ode to a Nightingale' and 'To Autumn'. The group of five odes, which include 'Ode to a Nightingale', are ranked among the greatest short ...


蛮喜欢济慈的,感觉很温和,像柔和的月光,而且济慈本人感觉也很坚强温柔,夜莺颂是我见过最美的诗歌,虽然他half in love with easeful death,但他仍然决定坚持活下去;而且我很喜欢ode on a grecian urn有种奇妙的跨时空感,陶瓷上的画跨越时光
my heart aches
十分!!!!!人们总把Keats的Wordsworth放在一起,我!不!喜!欢!Keats后期真的step back from the egotism and vanity he saw,second generation of Romantic poets! 会一直坚持多读Keats,Beauty is Truth, truth beauty.
(补 我永远喜欢他。
那天在South Hampstead的芬芳雨雾青草中穿行……朦胧的泪眼中,济慈的肖像早已不再单单是济慈的肖像,那是重叠的爱的影像——那是我爱的诗人与少年重叠的模样,是神的投以悲悯的注视。“Beauty is truth, truth is beauty”。自始至终,从都是我定要纵身于他笔下的草木花叶,满月骄阳,诸神的悲伤与至福之中所仰仗的至高至美之信条。You have every right to trance slumbrous into sleep and poetry in candle beams where the tenderly blessing faces of Selene and St.Agnes ever uttered secrets of beauty.