书籍 King Lear的封面

King Lear

William Shakespeare







King Lear stands alongside Hamlet as one of the most profound expressions of tragic drama in literature. Written between 1604 and 1605, it represents Shakespeare at the height of his dramatic power. Drawing on ancient British history, Shakespeare constructs a plot that reads like a fable in its clear-sighted but terrifying simplicity. The ageing King Lear calls his daughters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia to witness that he wishes "to shake all cares and business from our age" and divide his kingdom between his three children. When Cordelia refuses to flatter her father with sycophantic words of love, her banishment leads to chaos and civil war as Lear's disastrous "division of the kingdom" gives free reign to the greed and ambition of his two remaining daughters.

As Lear sinks into rage and madness he is deserted by everyone except his "bitter" Fool, the loyal Kent and the exiled Cordelia. The play descends into a nighmarish theatre of cruelty and absurdity as Lear realises he has "ta'en / Too little care" of the poverty and corruption of his kingdom, and his loyal but foolish friend Gloucester has his eyes gouged out. Metaphors of monstrosity and perversions of nature structure the dramatic action, and the play's ending remains one of the most harrowing in all of Shakespeare. Many see a profound despair and nihilism in King Lear, and would agree with Kent's conclusion that "All's cheerless, dark and deadly". Other writers have identified a radical but pessimistic critique of contemporary conceptions of kingship and absolutist authority, yet it remains a remarkable tragedy of public misjudgement and intensely private grief and anguish. --Jerry Brotton

Madmen and fools are Shakespeare's' spokesmen.
"A still-soliciting eye, and such a tongue/ That I am glad I have not, though not to have it/ Hath lost me in your liking."
如果当成讽齐王纳谏来读,就太没趣了。苍老加刑于李尔王,他用暴怒对答。“老”不只是白头,还有失去万千,虚名假意,无非衣装,脱下来吧!残忍的并非双女,是人性之必然,生命至终不过是孤独,风雪夜行人,赤身answer the extremity of skies. 全书是如此晦暗,几乎熬不到结尾那段软语:让我们抽身离这个荒谬无解的世界远远的吧,在误解、死亡和权谋的夹缝里,我们的对视中微弱颤动着爱之弧光。他为永爱咆哮未果,屈身请求一个卑微瞬间,终于获准了。不只死,通向死的路也是苦的,所以降生时提前啼哭起来。无限悲凄收编入最后一句:不要活得那样长了。迪兰托马斯那首诗是为李尔作的吧:Rage rage against the dying of the light.
We learn words by rote, but not their meaning; that must be paid for with our life-blood, and printed in the subtle fibres of our nerves.
初看难免觉得空口仁义道德,看了解说以后哭得停不下来。 人都要见过世面,经历风霜打磨后才能成长,Lear的悲剧在于他的 磨难和顿悟 来得太晚。
莎翁太有魅力了,可惜读的很仓促,因为明天就要上课了,希望老师能讲得有意思些。 我觉得Edmund有点像Satan,具有一些个反派魅力。可能作为一个私生子,没有享受到半点正常的爱,死之前才会说:"Yet Edmund was beloved. The one the other poisoned for my sake, And after slew herself".可怜又可恨~