书籍 A Woman of No Importance的封面

A Woman of No Importance

Oscar Wilde








The scene is set in an English country house â" Hunstanton (Lady Hunstanton's property). The curtains open to the terrace where we are introduced to Lady Caroline who is engaging in conversation with Lady Huntstanton's American Puritan guest Hester Worsley. Other characters are introduced, including the flirtatious Mrs Allonby, the meek Lady Stutfield and Lady Caroline's submissive husband Sir John. They discuss frivolous matters and are later joined by the powerful, charming and charismatic gentleman, Lord Illingworth who has offered the post of secretary to the fortunate Gerald Arbuthnot. Gerald's mother is invited to join the party, and when she arrives she realises that Lord Illingworth is Gerald's father. She had an affair with him twenty years ago, became pregnant and he refused to marry her, making her a "fallen woman." She is reluctant to let Gerald become Illingworth's secretary, but doesn't tell Gerald her reasons behind her reluctance...

Lord llingworth is humorous, attractive and full of creative ideas..although with those qualities, he is thoroughly a man who deserves no love. no one like him with the opinion that take marrige's essence the destruction should be loved. nice for the ending of “a man of no impotrance”..
Lord Illingworth就是从Lord Henry抽离出来的人物吧。The Portrait of Dorian Gray写在这本之前,两个主人公的很多语录都一样。前一本里Lord Henry作为Dorian Gray的"bad influence",后半本就鲜少提到,甚至没有交代“下场”。这本里面Lord Illingworth落个“众叛亲离老流氓”也算是圆满了。A Woman of No Importance是目前看过的王尔德作品里最喜欢的,也许是因为有种生气勃勃的希望。离开腐朽的英国上流社会,去美国新大陆自力更生,大约在当时也是trending
very attractive dialogue which Wilde's always good at.
There is nothing like youth. The middle-aged are mortgaged to Life. The old are in life's lumber-room. But youth is the Lord of Life.
不太喜欢这部,一开始因为演员太丑看不下去,这回总算把剧本看完了。Lord Ilingworth真的很讨人厌,还真以为自己妙语连珠呢…好在后面果然证实是个渣男。所以作者想说的是什么,英国人很虚伪?英国人对女性不够尊重?
在剧本里塑造一个辛辣毒舌玩世不恭的冷眼旁观者是老王的传统艺能了,不过在这部戏里担任这个角色的并非lord Illingworth,而是lady Allonby。不得不说Allonby和Illingworth 颇有《危险的关系》的遗风。法国人还是更理想化些,王尔德则揭露了人性赤条条的现实,一日为rake,终生为rake,别妄想轻易改变什么。
Lady Hunstanton无意的一句台词 - “thunder in the air” - 仿佛机缘巧合般串起两个时空的《雷雨》。妙哉。