The "New York Times" Bestseller, acclaimed by author such as Freakonomics co-author Steven D. Levitt, Black Swan author Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Nudge co-author Richard Thaler, "Thinking Fast and Slow" offers a whole new look at the way our minds work, and how we make decisions. Why is there more chance we'll believe something if it's in a bold type face? Why are judges more likely to deny parole before lunch? Why do we assume a good-looking person will be more competent? The answer lies in the two ways we make choices: fast, intuitive thinking, and slow, rational thinking. This book reveals how our minds are tripped up by error and prejudice (even when we think we are being logical), and gives you practical techniques for slower, smarter thinking. It will enable to you make better decisions at work, at home, and in everything you do.
丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman),心理学家。1934年出生在以色列特拉维夫,以色列和美国双重国籍。1954年毕业于以色列希伯来大学,获心理学与数学学士学位。2002年,因其与阿莫斯·特沃斯基在决策制定上的研究而荣获诺贝尔经济学奖。他的主要贡献是在不确定条件下的人为判断和决策方面的发现。他展示了人为决策是如何异于标准经济理论预测的结果。他的发现激励了新一代经济学研究人员运用认知心理学的洞察力来研究经济学,使经济学的理论更加丰富。