书籍 Vile Bodies的封面

Vile Bodies

Evelyn Waugh







The Bright Young Things of 1920s Mayfair, with their paradoxical mix of innocence and sophistication, exercise their inventive minds and vile bodies in every kind of capricious escapade, whether it is promiscuity, dancing, cocktail parties or sports cars. A vivid assortment of characters, among them the struggling writer Adam Fenwick-Symes and the glamorous, aristocratic Nina Blount, hunt fast and furiously for ever greater sensations and the hedonistic fulfilment of their desires. Evelyn Waugh's acidly funny and experimental satire shows a new generation emerging in the years after the First World War, revealing the darkness and vulnerability beneath the glittering surface of the high life.

So dark, so depressing :-(
一开始觉得叙述非常混乱,感觉作者的文笔和架构没有后来Brideshead Revisited那么老练。但看到中间,觉得那种反讽的语气越来越幽默,特别是第六章开始,非常有意思。最后的结局让人想到blasted,就是场景突然转换到战场。总体来说非常有趣。
Literature of the interwar years课上选的 有点意思的讽刺小品
那些光鲜少年,邪恶肉体,fin-de-siècle, 历史夹缝中迷失无尽派对的灵魂,虚无沉沦唯一可抓握的永恒幻觉似焦渴的唇舌饮下毒酒,洪水滔天时栖身朽烂木筏,瘾症噩梦不断加速,撞车,梦醒,死去,八卦专栏和嗜血大众转头弃置脑后,只有奢靡的大理石墓碑记得早逝孩子镶金的姓氏。没疯没死的幸存者被婚姻抹去意义,被难言之罪逐出故土,给闪亮新血腾出位置。阶级隐形城墙依然固若金汤,爵士时代群像展开,人物脸谱模糊像维系帝国的神话早在战事阴影下幻灭。This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England. 除了金钱没什么是坚贞的,风尚,信仰,国家,永远失之交臂的天降横财,永远错失复原的婚约和爱情。Fry下一世纪之交的改编光明了许多,连起环扣,重拾爱的价值。
Wile, cold, pathetic, desperate, and no-tomorrow. All the main characters have to eventually either go to war, the jungle, or a sad life like Waugh himself.
a commute amusement
The ill-advised nature of human beings that is easily swayed by the media is the book calls "vile bodies". Now the young ppl still on the schedule go pubs, party & find physically & mentally fun The writers who ridiculed wise young ppl & self-imposed intellectuals belonged to the same group sort of the protagonist Adam & his those young friends