书籍 Vanity Fair的封面

Vanity Fair

William Makepeace Thackeray







William Makepeace Thackeray's Vanity Fair depicts the anarchic anti-heroine Beky Sharpe cutting a swathe through the eligible young men of Europe, set against a lucid backdrop of war and international chaos. This Penguin Classics edition is edited with an introduction and notes by John Carey.

No one is better equipped in the struggle for wealth and worldly success than the alluring and ruthless Becky Sharp, who defies her impoverished background to clamber up the class ladder. Her sentimental companion Amelia Sedley, however, longs only for the caddish soldier George. As the two heroines make their way through the tawdry glamour of Regency society, battles - military and domestic - are fought, fortunes made and lost. The one steadfast and honourable figure in this corrupt world is William Dobbin, devoted to Amelia, bringing pathos and depth to Thackeray's gloriously satirical epic of love and social adventure. Set against the background of the Napoleonic wars, Thackeray's 'novel without a hero' is a lively satirical journey through English society, exposing greed, snobbery and pretension.

This edition follows the text of Thackeray's revised edition of 1853. John Carey's introduction identifies Vanity Fair as a landmark in the development of European Realism, and as a reflection of Thackeray's passionate love for another man's wife.

William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) was born and educated to be a gentleman but gambled away much of his fortune while at Cambridge. He trained as a lawyer before turning to journalism. He was a regular contributor to periodicals and magazines and Vanity Fair was serialised in Punch in 1847-8. John Carey is Professor of English at Oxford University. He has written on Dicken...


Which of us is happy in this world? Which of us has his desire? or, having it, is satisfied?
绿茶婊和白莲花的人生写照啊!Rebecca简直了!100%纯绿茶啊!但是还是觉得她的际遇、处事方式比单蠢的Amelia更有看头。为爱而活的白莲花真是挺没劲的。 再次感慨经典文学的感染力啊!百年过后仍然引人入胜,永不过时。哪里有社会,哪里就有Vanity Fair
Novel without a hero但是显然有两个heroine,artless和artful的典型代表。说Becky是satanic hero也不为过,通过各种手段暂时扭转社会等级制度,完美诠释social mobility的可能性。Amelia则被社会大环境的洪流不断冲刷,完全被运气掌控。结局比较didactic但在一定意义上也是由维多利亚时期小说所承担的责任决定的。所有的人物从漫画式的形象开始,在叙述的过程中逐渐丰满。
经典的魅力在于,在现在这个风气下,会被简单归类于“绿茶婊”和“白莲花”的两类女主角成了故事的两个主角,既有故事性又有人性的一部作品。结尾的“Which of us is happy in this world? ”引人遐思。
Compulsory reading