书籍 Jane Eyre的封面

Jane Eyre

Charlotte Brontë







A novel of intense power and intrigue, Jane Eyre has dazzled generations of readers with its depiction of a woman's quest for freedom. Having grown up an orphan in the home of her cruel aunt and at a harsh charity school, Jane Eyre becomes an independent and spirited survivor-qualities that serve her well as governess at Thornfield Hall. But when she finds love with her sardonic employer, Rochester, the discovery of his terrible secret forces her to make a choice. Should she stay with him whatever the consequences or follow her convictions, even if it means leaving her beloved? This updated Penguin Classics edition features a new introduction by Brontë scholar and award-winning novelist Stevie Davies, as well as comprehensive notes, a chronology, further reading, and an appendix.

Charlotte Bronte (1816-55), sister of Anne Bronte and Emily Bronte. Jane Eyre appeared in 1847 and was followed by Shirley (1848) and Vilette (1853). In 1854 Charlotte Bronte married her father's curate, Arthur Bell Nicholls. She died during her pregnancy on March 31, 1855 in Haworth, Yorkshire. The Professor was posthumously published in 1857.

“Literally, I was the apple of his eye.”
晚上走回至家门口,刚好听完Juliet Stevenson朗读的"Jane Eyre",2015年听完的最后一本有声书。
Jane Eyre - Je;但是我不喜欢这本小说。觉得其实。很庸俗。
Jane Eyre这个角色看似非常果断且冲动,但心里一直想要追寻的都是一个由环境指引下的一个较为舒适的处境,比如在Rochester对她的需求中感到舒适和被安置,在St. John, Diana, 和Mary的情亲包围下也能生活得很好。可是在这样的看似处于被动状态的叙述里,却透露出一个强大的自尊自爱的有原则的灵魂。喜欢最后Rochester陈述自己听到一个像Eyre的声音在寻找自己后,叙述者也向读者坦白自己也听到了Rochester内心的呼唤,这一点很好证实了其实Jane Eyre遵循的是自己内心的声音,或者说是她所以为的上帝的声音,这让Eyre和John之间的矛盾也很好地化解了。这部小说绝对不是什么“言情小说”,它不向读者献媚,反而它关怀读者,且坦白展示叙述者的个性。环境描写也是一大亮点。
Mrs REED, get out!
父母死了 住在媽媽的哥哥家 (哥哥已經死了只剩下刻薄的哥哥的老婆)後來去了教書 認識愛人 然後發現他早有老婆(雖然老婆已經瘋了)然後離開他,因為她舅舅她又有錢了 然後回來了 ..