书籍 Little Women的封面

Little Women

Louisa May Alcott







A beautiful new Deluxe Edition of Alcott’s beloved novel, with a foreword by National Book Award-winning author and musician Patti Smith. Nominated as one of America’s most-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American Read.

Little Women is recognized as one of the best-loved classic children’s stories, transcending the boundaries of time and age, making it as popular with adults as it is with young readers. The beloved story of the March girls is a classic American feminist novel, reflecting the tension between cultural obligation and artistic and personal freedom. But which of the four March sisters to love best? For every reader must have their favorite. Independent, tomboyish Jo; delicate, loving Beth; pretty, kind Meg; or precocious and artistic Amy, the baby of the family? The charming story of these four “little women” and their wise and patient mother Marmee enduring hardships and enjoying adventures in Civil War New England was an instant success when first published in 1868 and has been adored for generations.

Louisa May Alcott was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania, in 1832, the second of four daughters of Abigail May Alcott and Bronson Alcott, the prominent Transcendentalist thinker and social reformer. Raised in Concord, Massachusetts, and educated by her father, Alcott early on came under the influence of the great men of his circle: Emerson, Hawthorne, the preacher Theodore Parker...


Finally got to finish this wintery read before spring comes. I’ve been finding it hard not to get upset when reading old feminine stuff. Fortunately, Not all free souls have to die anymore.
词汇量一万五以上可能读起来更顺。我退化到一万出头的被动词汇量查词的次数还是略多,差点赶不上电影上映前看完。Learning to Forget 那章结束后,我都不想读下去了,大部分读者看一第一遍时估计都很难接受感情线居然成那样了,加上重大变故,整个故事突然压抑到无以复加,但是读完后仔细想来,可能那样更接近现实中的世俗婚姻结果。看的 Penguin Classics Deluxe 的毛边书,150周年纪念版封面。
文风非常像是19世纪的英国女作家(赞美),对家庭生活的描写细致甚至到琐碎(赞美),偶尔出现对人生的思考把这本书从文笔好/反映社会现状的等级提升到了伪哲学的等级(赞美) 描述Beth死亡的段落是我读过最美的并且对死亡最坦然的,当然Beth在现实生活中也是这样坚强的女性。 真实生活中的Beth生病却拒绝吃药,死前说“I can best be spared of the four”,意思是四姐妹中她的死是对家庭/社会带去最小损失的。感觉她要是活过22岁,说不定可以当个哲学家,可惜了。
i don’t even know! 对于那个年代算woke的吧
听了19个小时 忍不住在快结束的时候去看了电影 非常感动 一切是那么纯真 那么美好
150周年纪念版的装帧太美💕 阅读小妇人,我总会想起沉默之声里女主的困惑“为什么诗人在他们的故事里总是略过家务和烹饪。所有伟大的战役和争斗,不都是为了家务和烹饪吗——期待白日将尽时,一家人能在安宁的屋子里同桌共食?” 小妇人正是这样壮丽的诗篇,真挚勇敢,平凡动人😭 结局实在是可惜可憎,真想看路易莎梅在没有限制情况下会把这本书写成什么样
part 1