书籍 Stuff的封面


Randy O. Frost







What possesses someone to save every scrap of paper thats ever come into his home? What compulsions drive a woman like Irene, whose hoarding cost her her marriage? Or Ralph, whose imagined uses for castoff items like leaky old buckets almost lost him his house?

Randy Frost and Gail Steketee were the first to study hoarding when they began their work a decade ago; they expected to find a few sufferers but ended up treating hundreds of patients and fielding thousands of calls from the families of others. Now they explore the compulsion through a series of compelling case studies in the vein of Oliver Sacks.

With vivid portraits that show us the traits by which you can identify a hoarder - piles on sofas and beds that make the furniture useless, houses that can be navigated only by following small paths called goat trails, vast piles of paper that the hoarders churn but never discard, even collections of animals and garbage - Frost and Steketee illuminate the pull that possessions exert on all of us.

Whether we're savers, collectors, or compulsive cleaners, very few of us are in fact free of the impulses that drive hoarders to the extremes in which they live. For all of us with complicated relationships to our things, Stuff answers the question of what happens when our stuff starts to own us.



在沒讀這本書前,我踫到過一個老太太,有著完全一樣的症狀,家裏堆的不見天日,據説繼承大筆遺產,買了一個博物館的東放家裏,和Collyer Brother基本一樣,也有個姐姐也愛屯。這個老太太最後在去年聖誕期間獨自于家中過世,很久才被發現。本來我以爲這是個例,沒想到居然是疾病,而且大批的患者,更吃驚患者年齡從小孩就有開始。很值得一讀。