书籍 Flowers for Algernon的封面

Flowers for Algernon

Daniel Keyes


Mariner Books







With more than five million copies sold, Flowers for Algernon is the beloved, classic story of a mentally disabled man whose experimental quest for intelligence mirrors that of Algernon, an extraordinary lab mouse. In poignant diary entries, Charlie tells how a brain operation increases his IQ and changes his life. As the experimental procedure takes effect, Charlie's intelligence expands until it surpasses that of the doctors who engineered his metamorphosis. The experiment seems to be a scientific breakthrough of paramount importance-until Algernon begins his sudden, unexpected deterioration. Will the same happen to Charlie?

An American classic that inspired the award-winning movie Charly, Flowers for Algernon now returns to Harcourt as a Harvest paperback.

Daniel Keyes was an American author best known for his Hugo award-winning short story and Nebula award-winning novel Flowers for Algernon. Keyes was given the Author Emeritus honor by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America in 2000.

Keyes was born in Brooklyn, New York City, New York. At age 17, he joined the U.S. Maritime Service as ship's purser. He obtained a B.A....


So I said hello Miss Kinnian Im redy for my lessen today only I lossed the book we was using
2020已读039 今年读完的第七本英文书。一个始于春日终于严冬的故事,阅读的历程就像陪着查理走过了从愚到智又从智到愚的一生,读到结尾处查理重新变得处处都是拼写错误的文字,感觉自己的心都要碎了,哭了很久很久。我们的生命也不过是这样一种从幽暗到光明,又从光明再次跌落黑暗的历程而已,但结尾的查理和开始的查理毕竟有所不同了,他经历过智慧的巅峰,体会过超人的愉悦,拥有过灵魂之爱和肉体之爱,看清楚过昔日受到的伤害,也终于原谅了,哪怕最后的最后他会把一切都遗忘。失败的实验和成功的实验同等重要,正如始终会有人记得在阿尔吉侬的墓前放上一束鲜花。
it's interesting keyes talks about no one is less of a human being while he thinks less of women
There was no way to stop the sands of knowledge from slipping through the hourglass of my mind. The hitch is that I’m a person. 后半段错别字再次浮现的时候,这种无法控制又不可逆的衰败慢慢渗透,意识觉醒再到失去认知,无力绝望到了极点。后半段真的很好哭,以天才查理的姿态去和妈妈妹妹和解,然后逐渐变回原本的查理回到成人教育中心去看最爱的人、再回到有很多好朋友的面包店。。你当没有遗憾,也忘记了曾有遗憾,甚至不再理解什么是遗憾。如果最后的结果是忘却所有回到原点,那智慧曾经带来过的驾驭知识的欢畅还有什么意义呢?连爱都消失不见了。
阿尔吉侬这书我前后看了三个版本。 先看的中文,然后是英文短篇,最后是英文长篇。 看英文短篇的时候有个插曲,我下了书到kindle看,一开始不知道是短篇,没看多久发现进度60%多了,我一惊,以为自己阅读速度突飞猛进了,然后越看越不对劲,发现少了很多情节,原来是短篇版本的淦。 阅读英文版有种独特的体验,智障查理写的reports通篇错别字但是都读得懂,因为English是读音文字,而且智障查理的语法超级简单易读易懂,到后面天才查理写的reports越发难理解起来。
I can deeply relate to Charlie
sad sas