书籍 China's Digital Nationalism的封面

China's Digital Nationalism

Florian Schneider







Nationalism, in China as much as elsewhere, is today adopted, filtered, transformed, enhanced, and accelerated through digital networks. And as we have increasingly seen, nationalism in digital spheres interacts in complicated ways with nationalism "on the ground". If we are to understand the social and political complexities of the twenty-first century, we need to ask: what happens to nationalism when it goes digital?

In China's Digital Nationalism, Florian Schneider explores the issue by looking at digital China first hand, exploring what search engines, online encyclopedias, websites, hyperlink networks, and social media can tell us about the way that different actors construct and manage a crucial topic in contemporary Chinese politics: the protracted historical relationship with neighbouring Japan. Using two cases, the infamous Nanjing Massacre of 1937 and the ongoing disputes over islands in the East China Sea, Schneider shows how various stakeholders in China construct networks and deploy power to shape nationalism for their own ends. These dynamics provide crucial lessons on how nation states adapt to the shifting terrain of the digital age and highlight how digital nationalism is today an emergent property of complex communication networks.

Florian Schneider is University Lecturer for the Politics of Modern China at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies. He is also managing editor of the journal Asiascape: Digital Asia, and the author of Visual Political Communication in Popular Chinese Television Series (Brill 2013). His research interests include questions of governance, political communication, digit...


List of Tables and Illustrations
Note on Conventions
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Nationalism and its Digital Modes

下面打分比我还mean呢哈哈。好歹文献综述整理工作没有功劳也有苦劳。nation as technology of modernity,nation as network, 实际分析又分析ICTs technologies,例如搜索引擎和网站等。什么不是technology?循环解释讲了个屁啊。这种概念化层面的混用不能忍。简单的观点就是强调multiple stakeholders in China, not simple top-down。
认真翻了一遍,主要提了两个观点,一个是neoliberal环境下的互联网公司成为中国互联网中的新参与者,另一个是技术治理,技术作为内容的filter为国家所用制造了国民的认知从而形成舆论导向,为此又花了很多篇幅从国家是怎样用技术来建立的讲起……另外心理动因竟然就停留在imagined communities简直不能忍受,这理论对话水平和我差不多,亲切啊。想用这些来挑战state-led的研究路径是不够的。总体是一个写给外国人看的中国研究,作为本体的观察者很多论述只需要轻轻划过并且觉得解释太多,从而加剧了论述的冗长无味
我没见过废话这么多的书,简直是textbook definition of 学术垃圾,读完一本下来毫无信息增量,既没有可以学习的观点(或事实,也没有值得批判的观点。连lit review都是一些入门级学生就应该读过的书,难道我需要你在这本标题看起来应该非常专精的书里给我科普安德森、盖尔纳和麦克卢汉吗?最后结论就是网络民族主义不是top-down,是multiple actors的…首先这压迫-反抗模式的靶子已经被打烂了吧,不过最主要是multiple actors到底是怎么互动的呢?互联网公司是国家以外的主要参与者,那它跟国家什么关系?这本书的一切都只停留在最浅层,无法忍受。
dull, but fun to read those chinese curses