书籍 On Female Body Experience的封面

On Female Body Experience

Iris Marion Young







Written over a span of more than two decades, the essays by Iris Marion Young collected in this volume describe diverse aspects of women's lived body experience in modern Western societies. Drawing on the ideas of several twentieth century continental philosophers—including Simone de Beauvoir, Martin Heidegger, Luce Irigaray, Julia Kristeva, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty—Young constructs rigorous analytic categories for interpreting embodied subjectivity. The essays combine theoretical description of experience with normative evaluation of the unjust constraints on their freedom and opportunity that continue to burden many women.

The lead essay rethinks the purpose of the category of "gender" for feminist theory, after important debates have questioned its usefulness. Young's classic essay, "Throwing Like a Girl," is reprinted here, along with a comment of the impact of that essay twenty years later. Newer essays include reflection on the meaning of being at home, and the need for privacy in old age residences. Other essays analyze aspects of the experience of women and girls that have received little attention even in feminist theory—such as the sexuality of breasts, or menstruation as punctuation in a woman's life story. Young describes the phenomenology of moving in a pregnant body and the tactile pleasures of clothing.

While academically rigorous, the essays are also written with engaging style, incorporating vivid imagery and autobiographical narrative. On Female Body Experience raises issues and takes positions that speak to scholars and students in philosophy, sociology, geography, medicine, nursing, and education.

Iris Marion Young is Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, where she is affiliated with the Center for Graduate Studies. Her works in feminist theory, theory of justice, and democratic theory have been published in major journals in the U.S. and translated into seven languages. Her previous books include Justice and the Politics of Difference (Princeton 1...


女性的身体感受是内在与超越意向性的割裂、空间感和运动感的脱嵌、我能的取消与别人能的期待..其实想起来Ahmed讲的straight/oblique orientation了,往往只有嵌合主流直线定向的人才能有着融于世界的身体流畅感,而与固定场域不相符的人却会体验到从背景中所浮现的身体的那种总被凝视的顿感与失能。不过确实Young对女性体验本身的现象学就很棒了!真觉得她把女性经期的volatile emotion说成是海德格尔桑的自无中升起的authentic mood太绝了,而对整洁的期待与隐匿的私人性处理都正是以潜在的男性视角来衡量的。(其实想看的pregnant embodiment是期待能够有一点点是从内在中他异的仍匿名而无声的婴儿视角来写的,因此有些觉得她有点太重孕者自身的体验了..
我太喜欢这本书的1,2,3,6章了,1介绍lived experience vs.gender,2讲空间-性别-身体-权力,3写女性怀孕身体的双重性,6是我最喜欢的对月经的反思(建立在Kristeva's theory of abjection之上),我真的好喜欢Iris Young的现象学描述(可能GM的批判会是Young太强调individuality了吧……)。下一步打算看Moi, Kristeva和Irigaray。
chs. 2, 4