世人皆爱王尔德,没找到我看的那本,不知道学校是从哪找的书😢,这个难度很适合我现阶段读,里面除了The Young King生词都不太多,3篇是之前看过中文版的,其他之前都没看过,有时候需要中英对照着读,夜莺和玫瑰和快乐王子一直都是我很喜欢的童话,读英文版觉得更能体会到原来文字的优美和情感,里面所有的形象都很鲜明有趣捏
Everything about true love, every goddamn hypocrites who think they know love and pollute the true meaning of love, how the world is so cruel to the real pure love, the one should be thrown in the gutter was the f**king stupid student not the rose, not the nightingale. no one has ever done such painfully beautiful work other than Oscar Wilde