书籍 Why This World的封面

Why This World

Benjamin Moser







"That rare person who looked like Marlene Dietrich and wrote like Virginia Woolf," Clarice Lispector is one of the most popular but least understood of Latin American writers. Now, after years of research on three continents, drawing on previously unknown manuscripts and dozens of interviews, Benjamin Moser demonstrates how Lispector's development as a writer was directly connected to the story of her turbulent life. Born in the nightmarish landscape of post-World War I Ukraine, Clarice became, virtually from adolescence, a person whose beauty, genius, and eccentricity intrigued Brazil. Why This World tells how this precocious girl, through long exile abroad and difficult personal struggles, matured into a great writer. It also asserts, for the first time, the deep roots in the Jewish mystical tradition that make her the true heir to Kafka as well as the unlikely author of "perhaps the greatest spiritual autobiography of the twentieth century." From Chechelnik to Recife, from Naples and Berne to Washington and Rio de Janeiro, Why This World strips away the mythology surrounding this extraordinary figure and shows how Clarice Lispector transformed one woman's struggles into a universally resonant art.

出现在图书馆poplit section还是非常让我泪流的...近来真是拼命读Lispector啊..
说实话越往后来我对Clarice的好感越少...看看那些八卦还是不错的,比如说Clarice’s having “swapped imported pornographic magazines” with the celebrated poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade....
本来以为还有很多 结果猝不及防开始致谢,断断续续看了两个月,书中一直引用她的作品,so我就中途找来了濒临狂野的心和星辰时刻,没有这本传记易懂bushi哈哈哈哈,所以打算去看看她的童话,中间有一部分比较抽象,前半部分和后半部分还好,生词不多,就是很多地名我不知道and人名因为刚看没注意后面就有点搞混了😅
“a woman and a man,a native and a foreigner,a Jew and a Christian,a child and an adult,an animal and a person,a lesbian and a housewife,a witch and a saint.”
'Later I was to learn lots of things. But that question'...'It is only when we discard all knowledge that we begin to know.' And the latter could be the very only goal of life,not in a way of this earth.