书籍 Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?的封面

Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?

Jeanette Winterson


Jonathan Cape







Witty, acute, fierce, and celebratory, Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? is a tough-minded search for belonging, for love, identity, home, and a mother.

Jeanette Winterson's novels have established her as a major figure in world literature. She has written some of the most admired books of the past few decades, including her internationally bestselling first novel, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, the story of a young girl adopted by Pentecostal parents that is now often required reading in contemporary fiction.

Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? is a memoir about a life's work to find happiness. It's a book full of stories: about a girl locked out of her home, sitting on the doorstep all night; about a religious zealot disguised as a mother who has two sets of false teeth and a revolver in the dresser, waiting for Armageddon; about growing up in an north England industrial town now changed beyond recognition; about the Universe as Cosmic Dustbin.

It is the story of how a painful past that Jeanette thought she'd written over and repainted rose to haunt her, sending her on a journey into madness and out again, in search of her biological mother.

Witty, acute, fierce, and celebratory, Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? is a tough-minded search for belonging, for love, identity, home, and a mother.

Novelist Jeanette Winterson was born in Manchester, England in 1959. She was adopted and brought up in Accrington, Lancashire, in the north of England. Her strict Pentecostal Evangelist upbringing provides the background to her acclaimed first novel, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, published in 1985. She graduated from St Catherine's College, Oxford, and moved to London where s...


The wider we read, the freer we become, collapsing the space between fact and fiction, as the energy of art is not time-bound.
写作的人总不能自免地追溯自己的来处,从族谱开始,从地方志开始,从图书馆的字母A开始,虽然残忍但前半本真的好看,Accrington也成为她的文学地标,一个弃儿可以在文学史上找到所有的对照与象征,赋予自身意义,只有被锁在门外台阶上的长久静坐才让天上久远清冷的星子份外真切,自己也是追寻归途者之一,水流过无数遍故事版本重塑过无数遍,它经受各种变形,shall pierce you with a sudden painful joy,虚构撞击现实。最后的最后,JW也终于坦诚,如果她未曾被遗弃被错领,她会有另一个版本的自己——一个被爱的工人阶级的孩子,一大家子人,没有人强迫你变成世俗模子也没有机会接受教育,也就有可能不会有伤痛残缺激发巨大的潜能与热情,故事不再特别,甚至没有故事可说。
I'd be happy and abnormal.
看完自传感觉突然就懂了Oranges 真如她所说read yourself as a fiction as well as a fact 她对于诗歌和阅读的看法也非常棒,几次谈到T.S.Elliot对她的影响,我决定也去读了