书籍 Levels of Life的封面

Levels of Life

Julian Barnes


Jonathan Cape







You put together two things that have not been put together before. And the world is changed...' Julian Barnes's new book is about ballooning, photography, love and grief; about putting two things, and two people, together, and about tearing them apart. One of the judges who awarded him the 2011 Man Booker Prize described him as 'an unparalleled magus of the heart'. This book confirms that opinion.

"Affecting, profound." (Guardian )

"An alluring-sounding melange of history, fiction and memoir." (Sunday Times )

"While one might expect a Barnes book to impress, delight, move, disconcert or amuse, the last thing for which his work prepares us is the blast of paralysingly direct emotion that concludes Levels of Life. The extraordinary power of the final segment, in which Barnes writes with astonishing precision about mourning and grief, those areas of human experience so often camouflaged with evasion and silence. It's writing so intense that one has trouble meeting its gaze: a love song to "the heart of my life, the life of my heart" as well as a fearsome acknowledgement of the depths of a survivor's grief, when "what is taken away is greater than the sum of what was there"." (Tim Martin Daily Telegraph )

Julian Patrick Barnes is a contemporary English writer of postmodernism in literature. He has been shortlisted three times for the Man Booker Prize--- Flaubert's Parrot (1984), England, England (1998), and Arthur & George (2005), and won the prize for The Sense of an Ending (2011). He has written crime fiction under the pseudonym Dan Kavanagh.

Following an education at the City...


Julian Barnes 这本书最大的看点是他的虚构性叙事,不同年龄段的心理感受,人生的不同层级。讲热气球和摄影都是为了最后讲死亡和失去对于人的意义。前部分讲到男人对女人的爱慕,男女之间的博弈。后一部讲失去伴侣后的感受,那种失落感真的太过于真实和刻骨铭,各个时间段心理变化。
"Love may not lead where we think or hope, but regardless of outcome it should be a call to seriousness and truth." 这三篇文章太personal了… 没想到Barnes那么爱他老婆 打击好大
Pattern and level, a corroborater of your life.
在读董启章的小说《爱妻》时读到levels of life,遂找来读了。在读热气球的章节时想着,从虚空套住一些虚空的空气,加热升空,这便是悼念吧。书中有一个记录,一个人意外被热气球带上高空,终于支持不住跌落下来。一具失控的身体。这让我找到了通往热气球这个意象的渠道,其实上升是小说的虚构,跌落言说了实在。我想我关注到这本书是因为她提到过她从高空直接跌落的时候,那时我们坐在海边,我听着她说话,看着在海上玩风筝冲浪的人被带离水面。
Kindle audio free Very personal thoughts. That engaging and thought-provoking read. Obviously not wrote for others to read its only a tribute to his wife