书籍 The Rhetoric of Fiction的封面

The Rhetoric of Fiction

Wayne C. Booth







The first edition of "The Rhetoric of Fiction" transformed the criticism of fiction and soon became a classic in the field. One of the most widely used texts in fiction courses, it is a standard reference point in advanced discussions of how fictional form works, how authors make novels accessible, and how readers recreate texts, and its concepts and terms--such as "the implied author," "the postulated reader," and "the unreliable narrator"--have become part of the standard critical lexicon.

For this new edition, Wayne C. Booth has written an extensive Afterword in which he clarifies misunderstandings, corrects what he now views as errors, and sets forth his own recent thinking about the rhetoric of fiction. The other new feature is a Supplementary Bibliography, prepared by James Phelan in consultation with the author, which lists the important critical works of the past twenty years--two decades that Booth describes as "the richest in the history of the subject."

Wayne C. Booth (1921–2005) was the George M. Pullman Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in English Language and Literature at the University of Chicago. His many books include The Rhetoric of Fiction and For the Love of It: Amateuring and Its Rivals, both published by the University of Chicago Press.

Foreword to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Part I: Artistic Purity and the Rhetoric of Fiction
I. Telling and Showing

能把Tristram Shandy如此無秩序的故事綁在一起的是促使這個event自始至終的consistency,但是總是覺得narrative voice背後還有更深的東西,把TS解讀得有一點點live comedy的影子
原版就晦涩冗长,翻译版更狗屁不通,但咬牙读完后还是有所收获。For Booth, writing is a way of communication (underlined: not self-indulgence) and rhetoric applies to all kinds of narratives. 覆盖18-20世纪中的dominant literary theories及变化趋势,佐以大量名著逐一分析利弊。不过对没有objectivity/realism盲目崇拜or showing is always better than telling先入之见的人来说,读起来会有点无聊;Booth对这些现代严肃文学流行的潜规则深恶痛绝,抨击它们奠定了本书的tone.
umm...刚看完Spacks觉得Booth比较opinionated对...Sarah Fielding太harsh
@2012-05-14 21:51:00