书籍 Surface的封面


Giuliana Bruno







What is the place of materiality - the expression or condition of a physical substance - in our visual age of rapidly changing materials and media? How is it fashioned in the arts or manifested in technology? In Surface, cultural critic and theorist Giuliana Bruno deftly explores these questions, seeking to understand materiality in the contemporary world. Arguing that materiality is not a question of the materials themselves but rather the substance of material relations, Bruno investigates the space of those relations, examining how they appear on the surface of different media - for example, on movie, television, or computer screens or on the skin of buildings and people. The object of visual studies, she insists, goes well beyond the image, and she contends that the contact between people and objects occurs on the surface. Through this tangible contact, we apprehend the art object and space of art. As such, Bruno threads through the surfaces of images, emphasizing the actual fabrics of the visual - the surface condition, the textural manifestation, the support of a work, and the way in which it is sited, whether on a canvas, a wall, or a screen.

In performing these critical operations on the surface, she articulates it as a site in which different forms of mediation and transformation can take place. Surveying object relations across art, architecture, fashion, design, film, and new media, Surface is a magisterial account of contemporary visual culture.

Giuliana Bruno is professor of visual and environmental studies at Harvard University. Her books include Public Intimacy: Architecture and the Visual Arts and Atlas of Emotion: Journeys in Art, Architecture, and Film.

有种读museum catalog的感觉 整本书screams she's an architectural historian first and screen philosopher (?) second,很多我们也许take for granted并且想要fit into dominant metaphors的展览和建筑空间其实有更多folds,glass facades arent just window-mirrors they are also absorbently luminous surfaces;提出用fabric和membrane来理解screen很有趣 也不光是口嗨的比喻而是有具体的对象 比如fashion这章 但也好奇at what point 什么都可以什么了……
关于“表面”的问题意识抓得很好,但写作拉低了这本书的上限:不少篇幅都在同义反复,不同章节间的界限模糊,对不同艺术作品的分析大差不差,museum catalogue这个形容恰如其分。唯一称得上有趣的章节,恰恰是全书中显得最“格格不入”的一章(而这恰恰是我所欣赏的处理问题的方式):王家卫的时装影像。
chapter 2 Surface,Texture,Weave
因为上课读了其中一章,陪着朋友又看了一遍《花样年华》,Bruno的双关修辞真的十分幽微精确。 fashion,frabric,sartorial,tailored,surface,screen。电影世界是内外层层褶皱的表面,堆叠着时装的布料、摄影的胶卷、建筑的肌理。
Quite inspiring