书籍 Images in Spite of All的封面

Images in Spite of All

Georges Didi-Huberman







Of one-and-a-half-million surviving photographs related to Nazi concentration camps, only four depict the actual process of mass killing perpetrated at the gas chambers. "Images in Spite of All" reveals that these rare photos of Auschwitz, taken clandestinely by one of the Jewish prisoners forced to help carry out the atrocities there, were made as a potent act of resistance.Available today because they were smuggled out of the camp and into the hands of Polish resistance fighters, the photographs show a group of naked women being herded into the gas chambers, and the cremation of corpses that have just been pulled out. Georges Didi-Huberman's relentless consideration of these harrowing scenes demonstrates how Holocaust testimony can shift from texts and imaginations to irrefutable images that attempt to speak the unspeakable. Including a powerful response to those who have criticized his interest in these images as voyeuristic, Didi-Huberman's eloquent reflections constitute an invaluable contribution to debates over the representability of the Holocaust and the status of archival photographs in an image-saturated world.

史学与美学相互修正 视觉人类学方法论应用楷模
[ ] obliteration [ ] to abruptly attend our own absence [ ] imagination as a political faculty [ ]
迪迪–于贝尔曼的良心:反对一切不可想象之物。奥斯维辛绝非不可想象之物。它越是显得不可想象,我们越是要从中不顾一切地(in spite of all)抢救出零星幸存的图像,将使之可想象当作某种无限的“任务”(本雅明意义上的Aufgabe),就像Sonderkommando的那个匿名成员所做的那样。为什么?为什么奥斯维辛不能是不可想象的?因为奥斯维辛与其说是什么非人道的灾难,毋宁说就是属于人类的事件:“不仅我们是刽子手的潜在受害者,而且刽子手就是我们的同伴。”