书籍 Where Research Begins的封面

Where Research Begins

Thomas S. Mullaney







Plenty of books tell you how to do research. This book helps you figure out WHAT to research in the first place, and why it matters.

The hardest part of research isn’t answering a question. It’s knowing what to do before you know what your question is. Where Research Begins tackles the two challenges every researcher faces with every new project: How do I find a compelling problem to investigate—one that truly matters to me, deeply and personally? How do I then design my research project so that the results will matter to anyone else?

This book will help you start your new research project the right way for you with a series of simple yet ingenious exercises. Written in a conversational style and packed with real-world examples, this easy-to-follow workbook offers an engaging guide to finding research inspiration within yourself, and in the broader world of ideas.

Read this book if you (or your students):

• have difficulty choosing a research topic

• know your topic, but are unsure how to turn it into a research project

• feel intimidated by or unqualified to do research

• worry that you’re asking the wrong questions about your research topic

• have plenty of good ideas, but aren’t sure which one to commit to

• feel like your research topic was imposed by someone else

• want to learn new ways to think about how to do research.

Under the expert guidance of award-winning researchers Thomas S. Mullaney and Christopher Rea, you will find yourself on the path to a compelling and meaningful research project, one that matters to you—and the world.

Thomas S. Mullaney is professor of history at Stanford University and a Guggenheim fellow. His books include The Chinese Typewriter: A History and Your Computer is on Fire.

Christopher Rea is professor of Asian studies at the University of British Columbia. His books include Chinese Film Classics, 1922–1949 and The Age of Irreverence: A New History of Laughter in China.

Self-Centered Research: A Manifesto
Centered Research Is the Best Research
How to Use This Book
Introversion, First. Extroversion, Second.

超棒,全篇贯彻了重复出现的比喻:that EKG machine back out!
核心讨论是“找到一个自己真正关心的研究问题”,这个问题本身各有各的方法吧,实在都无从下手的话我觉得也别做研究了,遇到瓶颈可以重点看第一部分作者如何引导你。我主要看的第二部分如何找到你的 problem collective 和 field 以及善用它们来拓展、细化、充实你真正的“problem”, 一些小练习很有用,比如区别问题和问题的范例/表现;比如把问题拆解成几个变量,不断变换变量以发现真正的问题和相关的问题可能带来的启发,确定固定变量和灵活变量;想象你的课题是一个章节,那么这本书会是什么,前一章后一章又是什么?比如如何为自己同领域学者和同学科学者介绍,读者意识,别人为什么要关心,自己作为作者如何表现出学术激情。整本书都有很多很好上手的小练习,适合年轻学者参考。
读完之后发现自己卡在了find your problem collective的阶段,属于remain stuck in topic land and haven’t diagnosed the underlying problem,打算试试作者说的变量法~