书籍 Chinese Law in Imperial Eyes的封面

Chinese Law in Imperial Eyes

Li Chen







How did American schoolchildren, French philosophers, Russian Sinologists, Dutch merchants, and British lawyers imagine China and Chinese law? What happened when agents of presumably dominant Western empires had to endure the humiliations and anxieties of maintaining a profitable but precarious relationship with China? In Chinese Law in Imperial Eyes, Li Chen provides a richly textured analysis of these related issues and their intersection with law, culture, and politics in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Using a wide array of sources, Chen's study focuses on the power dynamics of Sino-Western relations during the formative century before the First Opium War (1839-1842). He highlights the centrality of law to modern imperial ideology and politics and brings new insight to the origins of comparative Chinese law in the West, the First Opium War, and foreign extraterritoriality in China. The shifting balance of economic and political power formed and transformed knowledge of China and Chinese law in different contact zones. Chen argues that recovering the variegated and contradictory roles of Chinese law in Western "modernization" helps provincialize the subsequent Euro-Americentric discourse of global modernity.

Chen draws attention to important yet underanalyzed sites in which imperial sovereignty, national identity, cultural tradition, or international law and order were defined and restructured. His valuable case studies show how constructed differences between societies were hardened into cultural or racial boundaries and then politicized to rationalize international conflicts and hierarchy.

Li Chen is associate professor at the University of Toronto and founding president of the International Society for Chinese Law and History. He has published on late imperial and modern Chinese law and society, Sino-Western encounters, and international law and empire, including a volume coedited with Madeleine Zelin called Chinese Law: Knowledge, Practice and Transformation, 1...


1. Imperial Archives and Historiography of Western Extraterritoriality in China
2. Translation of the Qing Code and Colonial Origins of Comparative Chinese Law
3. Chinese Law in the Formation of European Modernity

新的列文森奖得主,法史学界的“当红炸子鸡”。其实平心而论,方法论并不算新鲜,而更像是融西方后殖民理论(最主要是Pratt的《帝国之眼》)于一炉。核心很明确:作为oriental的中国与作为orientalist的西方如何在法律的contact zone里相互塑造。具体到每一章的内容(斯当东、西方知识界的中国想象、刑罚与sentimental liberalism)其实也都有前人做过(尤其是后两者),但作者确实做得更扎实、理论融入更细密。
非常出色的法律和历史类作品 作者对法律史和后殖民研究的很多概念有着恰当的运用 同时史料的解读和搜罗又避免了这类研究被人诟病之处 可以看得出来作者不光熟悉清朝 也能运用一手资料研究英国法律史 第一章中作者运用新的英方史料还原了第一场中英法律冲突(已经独立发表了) 第三章讲大清律译本在欧洲的流传是如何助力当时欧洲的法律改革 尽管中国法律在其中起的作用究竟有多大还值得探讨 但是作者这个观点确实是让人耳目一新 第五章讲得是鸦片战争的法律起源 突出了法律的话语(discourse of law)在促成议会出兵中的决定性作用
补标,感觉应该回溯去看Laura Stoler,这本书是很典型的后殖民法学研究
啊,sentimental imperialism挺有趣的,不过作者自己都承认这一切很大依附于政治。总之是很好的对该文化现象的介绍。
"Chinese law played a significant but rarely acknowledged role(negative foil) in shaping the Western discourse and imagination of modernity in different ways: it was frequently cited as a peculiar, paradigmatic, and at times indispensable example to establish the values and concepts that have since come to define modernity in the West..."