书籍 Anything You Want的封面

Anything You Want

Derek Sivers










You can follow the beaten path and call yourself an entrepreneur or you can blaze your own trail and really be one.

When Derek Sivers started CD Baby, he wasn’t planning on building a major business. He was a successful independent musician who just wanted to sell his CDs online. When no one would help him do it, he set out on his own and built an online store from scratch.

He started in 1998 by helping his friends sell their CDs. In 2000, he hired his first employee. Eight years later, he sold CD Baby for $22 million.

Sivers didn’t need a business plan, and neither do you. You don’t need to think big; in fact, it’s better if you don’t. Start with what you have, care about your customers more than yourself, and run your business like you don’t need the money.

书里说 Never do anything just for the money. 我们很多人是 Do everything just for the money.
Actually, it's a new kind of entrepreneur. This book inspired me to keep on running my small business, but it depends on whether I have already saw the big picture or not. Keep the EXTREME customer centricity in mind!
One of the best reads this year. Great points of views - love the stories and his current website. Worth reading multiple times. Will send him an email and let’s see if he’s gonna reply or not. (I imagined him to be this curly hair rocky star but it turns out that he’s bald)
序言不假,确实compact到一个小时能读完,跟我个人想了很久的philosophy契合。这种坚持不最大要做小的理念本身是为了让个人更自由,但投放到千万小淘宝店卖家跟文艺糕点、奶茶店的创业点子上,会感叹还是个人意识跟行业局限。见过很多秀气小众的淘宝店,一个人经营,一圈忠实顾客线下能成朋友的关系,但更多的是被利益驱动的焦头烂额,真正能抵达目标的只是少数。 You can’t please everyone, so proudly exclude people. 大部分人赚钱都是基于帮助他人,可我们习惯付费就抵消了对方的付出,因此很难维持那种感恩跟成就感,赚钱花钱都痛苦,其实偶尔换个视角看看挺好的。
40堂创业课。作者Dereck用自己的故事告诉我们他关于创业的理解,读完深深感动。创业是为了帮助他人、做自己喜欢的事、用自己喜欢的方式——可以做任何你觉得有意义的事情,有钱不一定比没钱好,大公司不一定比小公司好,有82个雇员不一定比2个雇员好,只要你做能让你开心的事。“you make your perfect world”,that’s the most important thing.
小而美的small business