书籍 Chernobyl Prayer的封面

Chernobyl Prayer

Svetlana Alexievich







The startling history of the Chernobyl disaster by Svetlana Alexievich, the winner of the Nobel prize in literature 2015

- A new translation based on the revised text -

On 26 April 1986, at 1.23am, a series of explosions shook the Chernobyl nuclear reactor. Flames lit up the sky and radiation escaped to contaminate the land and poison the people for years to come. While officials tried to hush up the accident, Svetlana Alexievich spent years collecting testimonies from survivors - clean-up workers, residents, firefighters, resettlers, widows, orphans - crafting their voices into a haunting oral history of fear, anger and uncertainty, but also dark humour and love. A chronicle of the past and a warning for our nuclear future, Chernobyl Prayer shows what it is like to bear witness, and remember in a world that wants you to forget.

Svetlana Alexievich was born in Ivano-Frankivsk in 1948 and has spent most of her life in the Soviet Union and present-day Belarus, with prolonged periods of exile in Western Europe. Starting out as a journalist, she developed her own, distinctive non-fiction genre which brings together a chorus of voices to describe a specific historical moment. Her works include The Unwomanly...


“The truth is that facts alone were not enough; we felt an urge to look behind the facts, to delve into the meaning of what was happening.” I don’t think the “meaning” of any suffering is the right question to ask, but agree there is more to delve into beyond the facts, and I am baffled not being able to find the “looking behind the facts” anywhere
The Soviet Union is a hybrid between a prison and a kingdergarten, that's what Socialism is, Soviet Socialism. A citizen surrendered his soul to the state, his heart, and in return received his rations for the day. 关于前苏联的书读起来总是满满既视感。普通人的挣扎让人难过。
“Why aren’t they free? Why are they so afraid of freedom? It’s just that they are more used to living under a tsar: a father of his people. It makes not the least difference whether he’s called the ‘general secretary’ or the ‘president’” // “Where am I to cry? In the toilet? There’s a queue. Everybody is just like me.”
“And who was in charge of this atomic power station? There wasn’t a single nuclear physicist in the management team. They had power engineers, turbine specialists, political workers, but not a single expert. Not a single physicist.”