书籍 The Little Book of Lykke的封面

The Little Book of Lykke

Meik Wiking


Penguin Life







Lykke (Luu-kah) (n): Happiness

It's easy to see why Denmark is often called the world's happiest country. Not only do they have equal parental leave for men and women, free higher education and trains that run on time, but they burn more candles per household than anywhere else.

So nobody knows more about happiness - what the Danes call lykke - than Meik Wiking, CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen and author of the bestselling sensation The Little Book of Hygge. But he believes that, whilst we can certainly learn a lot from the Danes about finding fulfilment, the keys to happiness are actually buried all around the globe.

In this captivating book, he takes us on a treasure hunt to unlock the doors to inner fulfilment. From how we spend our precious time, to how we relate to our neighbours and cook dinner, he gathers evidence, stories and tips from the very happiest corners of the planet. This is the ultimate guide to how we can all find a little more lykke in our lives.

Meik Wiking is the CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen. He is committed to finding out what makes people happy and has concluded that hygge is the magic ingredient that makes Danes the happiest nation in the world.

“A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It’s where the rich use public transport.”
道理都懂 重在日常实践啊
嗯... 三四十岁读会更有感触一些 现在读感觉这些道理都懂 每天过得挺开心的 为一点点小事而满足
没有中国的幸福感研究,多数是欧洲的。 欧洲的福利着实好,比较少提到对公司追求这块的研究。 感觉不太系统,学术化,也能提供一些通往幸福之路的参考建议
这本书和Hygge那本书比起来 更喜欢Hygge。不过有关幸福的这件小事还是可以从中学习到很多有用的小技巧和如何平衡心态的方法。而且真的很喜欢这两本书的设计和装帧 太好看了。分享书里的一句话 也是出自我最喜欢的chapter Freedom:No people can be truly happy if they do not feel that they are choosing the course of their own life.