书籍 National Populism的封面

National Populism

Roger Eatwell







Across the West, there is a rising tide of people who feel excluded, alienated from mainstream politics, and increasingly hostile towards minorities, immigrants and neo-liberal economics. Many of these voters are turning to national populist movements, which have begun to change the face of Western liberal democracy, from the United States to France, Austria to the UK. This radical turn, we are told, is a last howl of rage from an aging electorate on the verge of extinction. Their leaders are fascistic and their politics antidemocratic; their existence a side-show to liberal democracy. But this version of events, as Roger Eatwell and Matthew Goodwin show, could not be further from the truth.

Written by two of the foremost experts on fascism and the rise of national populism, this lucid and deeply-researched book is a vital guide to our transformed political landscape. Challenging conventional wisdoms, Eatwell and Goodwin make a compelling case for serious, respectful engagement with the supporters and ideas of national populism - not least because it is a tide that won't be stemmed anytime soon.

Roger Eatwell is Emeritus Professor of Politics at the University of Bath. He has published widely on fascism and populism, including Fascism: A History.

Matthew J. Goodwin is Professor of Politics at the University of Kent and a Senior Fellow at Chatham House. He has published five books, including Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union and Revolt on the Right: ...


轻且浅,能够引发一些思考,但缺少真正的见地。无论在政治上还是在人的心理上,作者的理解都有所欠缺。对于far-right populists来说,本书提出的一些reconciliatory slogan或许太纸上谈兵了。如果是想搞明白populism作为一种政治现象的成因,那就不能完全仰仗于survey作为论据。如果是想写出一本抗击这种现象的行动指南,那建议去看看what is to be done学习一下什么叫做力度和周全。
The system still works after all it starts as early as Pluto’s time. But the huge divides on our understanding and takes on the changes from increasing mobility has been there for a while, but we just weren’t paying attention either side until the counterattack gets loud. We all have catchup to do.
还没哪本英文书看得这么快过… 本来是感兴趣的,到后面就变成翻着给论文找素材了😂 事实论据为主,理论不多,果然是大众通俗读物
民粹本身就是民主的重要组成部分,单纯却愚昧的普通民众才是一个社会的大多数。Nature to be commanded must be obeyed. 敌对这一群体只会深深地割裂一个社会。从群众中来,到群众中去,是每一个西方民主国家以及中国政治精英都要深刻牢记和体会的信条。
有一些有意思的数据,但很可惜并没有深入解释一些问题,而有些看法更像看似中立的辩护手段。比如民粹对于经济学专业分析的抵触,作者的说法是这并不是毫无根据,因为有一些预测结果错得离谱。可是任何一个有些科学素养的人应该都知道risk analysis, stress testing并不是说就会发生什么。这种误解我认为是教育问题,但作者在谈到教育界限时只说出类似“大学教育接触多元文化所以更liberal”之类,这看着就有些搞笑了。还能举出几个类似的例子,比较可惜吧只能说。Update: 越看越像cherrypicking再减一颗...