书籍 Where Reasons End的封面

Where Reasons End

Yiyun Li







A woman's teenage son takes his own life. It is incomprehensible. The woman is a writer, and so she attempts to comprehend her grief in the space she knows best: on the page, as an imagined conversation with the child she has lost. He is as sharp and funny and serious in death as he was in life itself, and he will speak back to her, unable to offer explanation or solace, but not yet, not quite, gone.

Where Reasons End is an extraordinary portrait of parenthood, in all its painful contradictions of joy, humour and sorrow, and of what it is to lose a child.

Yiyun Li is the author of two novels, The Vagrants and Kinder Than Solitude, and two short story collections, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers and Gold Boy, Emerald Girl, as well as the memoir, Dear Friend, From My Life I Write to You in Your Life. She has won literary awards including the Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award and the Guardian First Book Award, and was...


1. Do Not Let Mother Dear Find Us (3)
2. Waylaid by Days (11)
3. The Trespassers (20)
4. Then the Button Came Undone (31)
5. Catchers in the Rain (41)

In order to live, in case of end of reasons, one need blind hope, resolutions, love, and maybe, ceasing to die for perfection.
Words fall short,but sometimes their shadows can reach the unspeakable.
可我抓不住那个声音。我听到的只有沉默、沉默、无声无息。我其实有好多责备、好多追问、好多歉然、好多不忍、好多忧虑、好多心碎和所有所有想念你。可如果能再见一面,如果能再讲一句,这些就都不必提,我只是想问do you still suffer now ?如果你现在快乐,我一个人往下活也没关系。
啊 长长的叹息
“You are a good mother.” “Not good enough to make you stay.” “你是个好妈妈。” “没有好到让你愿意留下。”
会想到安卡森的《Nox》:搜集每个关于你的字句,重新为你编撰词典;Yiyun同样以诗人式的严苛去和words较劲:明知道说多错多(imperfect),可我们只能用这样的方式继续对话,而你永远享有challenge我话语的权利,包括用adjectives去描述我的nouns。“Words don’t have shadows.” 可整本书都关于阴影,通过它抵达nowhere,诉说the unspeakable open wounds,和秋日里所有“欲说还休”。