书籍 Dear Friend, From My Life I Write to You in Your Life的封面

Dear Friend, From My Life I Write to You in Your Life

Yiyun Li









Written in the grip of suicidal depression, Dear Friend, from My Life I Write to You in Your Life is an uplifting account of what makes life worth living. Yiyun Li interweaves personal experiences of her childhood in China and her adulthood forging a new life in America with meditations on the many writers she admires - from William Trevor to Katherine Mansfield, Virginia Woolf to Ivan Turgenev. And with quiet integrity, she confirms the fundamental questions that define an author - why write? And why live?

Yiyun Li is the author of two novels, The Vagrants and Kinder Than Solitude, and two short story collections, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers and Golden Boy, Emerald Girl. She has won literary awards including the Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award and the Guardian First Book Award, and was listed among Granta's 21 Best of Young American Novelists 2007. Her storie...


Dear Friend, from My Life I Write to You in Your Life......3
Amongst People......22
Memory Is a Melodrama from Which No One is Exempt......51
Two Lives......82
Amongst Characters......106

不忍卒读的一本书。李翊云写到她读到Katherine Mansfield的 "Dear friend, from my life I write to you in your life" 这句话就哭了。正是两个生命从星辰到大海般不可泯灭的距离,才让我们提起笔,把一个个刻入骨髓的过去,从一个生命写给另一个生命。 生命中有一种虚空,世间一切事物的存在都不足以弥补这一虚空,都无法掩盖这虚空发出的蚀骨噬心的声响:You are nothing. 于是会沉默,会逃避,会徒劳挣扎,会无力反抗,他人与自我都没有意义,One has to have a solid self to be selfish.
One has to have a solid self to be selfish.
Don’t lose that smile of yours.
08;A deeper explaination of why her life is like what it is now. When her youngest son held her hand, she could feel but cannot understand, it just hits me that how life treats her cruelly before and the influence of that still torture her at that loveable moment.‘To lose the journal was to lose continuity from one day to the next.' What a truth.
To be among people--does that require one to be at home with others, to be at peace with oneself? But an agitated mind does not know any road to peace except the one away from home, which time and again exposes one to that lifelong phobia of attachment, just as to write betrays one's instinct to curl up and hide.