书籍 Sexual Politics的封面

Sexual Politics

Kate Millett







"Praised and denounced when it was first published in 1970, "Sexual Politics" not only explored history but also became part of it. Kate Millett's groundbreaking book fueled feminism's second wave, giving voice to the anger of a generation while documenting the inequities - neatly packaged in revered works of literature and art - of a complacent and unrepentant society. "Sexual Politics" laid the foundation for subsequent feminist scholarship by showing how cultural discourse reflects a systematized subjugation and exploitation of women. Identifying patriarchy as a socially conditioned belief system masquerading as nature, Millett demonstrates in detail how its attitudes and systems penetrate literature, philosophy, psychology, and politics. Her incendiary work rocked the foundations of the literary canon by castigating time-honored classics - from D. H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's "Lover" to Norman Mailer's "The Naked and the Dead" - for their use of sex to degrade and undermine women. A new introduction to this edition draws attention to some of the forms patriarchy has taken recently in consolidating its oppressive and dangerous control."

PRE的资料。 http://books.google.com/books?id=Ig1WNVW18xoC&printsec=frontcover&hl=zh-CN&source=gbs_v2_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
http://www.libgen.is/ 是我女权主义理论的开始、延续和(暂时的)结束。在她之后,我确实没有再见到更进一步的对性别政治的讨论(也因此被导师揪住在理论上行不成面而折磨了很久)
大英女权阅读第五本;Chap 2;男权制社会面面观。“When a system of power is thoroughly in command, it has scarely need to speak itself aloud; when its workings are exposed and questioned, it becomes not only subject to discussion, but even to change.”